Redditors Share 20 Insanely Creepy Historical Facts That'll Make Your Skin Crawl

History isn't all that flowery, you know.

  • Published in Weird
Redditors Share 20 Insanely Creepy Historical Facts That'll Make Your Skin Crawl

When you think about history, your brain comes up with black and white images of people, war, famous (or infamous) leaders, and creepy nursery rhymes.

Your brain tells you how the world has healed when it comes to convenience and how it's destroyed in terms of nutrition. It's true, people back in the old days were healthier than we are now.

I doubt they were happier than we are now, but they were most definitely healthier. Anyway, when you think about history, you most probably don't think about mummies as being part of the ingredients of some of the things we used to do.

That's right. How many of you know that the color "mummy brown" is allegedly made from the used, mummified remains of executed criminals?

Apparently, artists were so in love with "mummy brown," which was made with remains of mummies, that when they couldn't find mummies, they used executed criminals because the demand was extremely high!

It's creepy and scary at the same time. Schools would never talk about the dark side of history, because either they don't want to scare students, or what's the point, anyway?

Sure, kids don't need to know every little dark secret that lurked in the past, but that doesn't stop them from learning when they're adults. With that, here are some creepy historical facts you were never taught in school.

You're welcome. You may begin the legendary scroll.

First, ewe. This is weird.

First, ewe. This is weird.u/DaredevilDude36

I'm curious now, and I hate it.

I'm curious now, and I hate it.u/DaredevilDude36

I can't even imagine the bad energy surrounding that place.

I can't even imagine the bad energy surrounding that place.u/DaredevilDude36

That's a lot of people.

That's a lot of people.u/DaredevilDude36

That probably paved the way for rats and the plague...

That probably paved the way for rats and the plague... u/DaredevilDude36

Why am I not surprised.

Why am I not surprised.u/DaredevilDude36

To make it weirder, she married her two brothers and her own son.

To make it weirder, she married her two brothers and her own son. u/DaredevilDude36

I would've genuinely freaked out. This is messed up.

I would've genuinely freaked out. This is messed up.u/DaredevilDude36

What in the world.

What in the world.u/DaredevilDude36

Eh. Ewe.

Eh. Ewe.u/DaredevilDude36

This is a painful fact.

This is a painful fact.u/DaredevilDude36

Creepy, indeed.

Creepy, indeed.u/DaredevilDude36

Thank you for the horrifying visuals.

Thank you for the horrifying visuals.u/DaredevilDude36

This can be a Netflix series on its own.

This can be a Netflix series on its own.u/DaredevilDude36

Told ya.

Told ya.u/DaredevilDude36

Also, that wasn't the captain's name. Just FYI.

Also, that wasn't the captain's name. Just FYI.u/DaredevilDude36

Some say Little Albert died when he was 6, while others say he died at 87.

Some say Little Albert died when he was 6, while others say he died at 87.u/DaredevilDude36

Oh boy, that didn't end well.

Oh boy, that didn't end well.u/DaredevilDude36

Oh wow.

Oh wow.u/DaredevilDude36

His house is now a museum.

His house is now a museum.u/DaredevilDude36

In Summary...

Creepy, am I right? Can you imagine a person eating and bathing in honey just so it could be consumed as medicine?

What about the Little Albert Experiment? Poor kid, I wonder what he went through mentally and emotionally.

That dude with cans of dead women? That fact, in itself, is a huge Netflix series.

I mean, come on. These facts are downright scary, gross, and disturbing.

It's no wonder they weren't taught in school. You wouldn't want to scar a child by pumping in facts even our brains can't digest in a single session.

This proves that history isn't all about black and white photos, wars, independence, and innovations. There are dark sides to everything, and the past isn't an exception.

Also, I'm glad Mellified Man is no longer a thing.

What's a creepy historical fact you'd like to share? Comment below!
