25 Creepy Cat Comics That Might Change The Way You Look At Cats
Who knew cats could be so creepy?

Cats can be really weird every now and then. Sure, they look very adorable when playing around or sleeping but they also do some things that are hard to understand.
I guess our simple human minds aren't enough to understand them. Cat owners can definitely relate to this.
Cats will just run around like crazy really late at night for no reason. Sometimes they just stare at nothing for a super long time as if they can see something.
That's a reason enough for you to grab your cat and get out of there. These aren't the only creepy things cats do.
Artist Cotton Valent found inspiration in this and made a comic series named "Creepy Cat". The story is about a girl named Flora who moved into an apartment owned by a cat.
A lot of really creepy and nerve-wracking things happen to her during her adventures with the creepy cat. If you want to see some of them, just scroll down.
1. Cats can see more than us.

2. Gifts from cats are usually not the most pleasant.

3. What do you mean, together?

4. Sluuurp.

5. Cats are so slick.

6. Never met a cat who likes cucumbers.

7. Guess who.

8. The betrayal.

9. Not your bed anymore.

10. Tentacle mittens!

11. Everyone knows cats protect you from vampires.

12. They will show you what is real.

13. Cats will you drive you crazy.

14. Cats have to stay fit too.

15. Cats are stronger than you might imagine.

16. Incoming!

17. Cats are always watching.

18. Probably why witches only own black cats.

19. No more eating alone if you have a cat.

It's crazy how accurate these are. Who knew a normal life with a cat could be turned into a creepy comic series.
I guess anything is possible now. And those possibilities are endless with cats.
Even if they are creepy you just can't get enough of them. Regardless of all the weird antics you still love your cat.
20. It's just showing some love.

21. Don't ask too many questions.

22. No cat is normal. Remember that.

23. This spot is taken, Bogeyman.

24. Good luck, Doc.

25. Always check under the cat first.
