People Share Their Favorite Conspiracy Theories Despite Not Having Any Evidence To Support Them

Time to put on your tinfoil hats and get to scrolling

People Share Their Favorite Conspiracy Theories Despite Not Having Any Evidence To Support Them

The word “Conspiracy” holds a lot of negative connotations. Think tinfoil hats, underground bunkers stocked with canned food, and ramblings about Bigfoot or Elvis Presley.

Obviously, that’s not the case for the majority of those who truly believe in or just enjoy the challenge of conspiracy theories. Overall, it’s been studied and theorized that people gravitate to these outlandish ideas because it helps validate their worldview or explain the unexplainable.

Sure, there have been some conspiracies that have turned out to be true, like the Watergate break-in. But with social media, conspiracies of all degrees of baloney have been able to spread quicker than wildfire.

The more popular conspiracy theories can be difficult to parse through, as some can contain grains of truth or drill into an emotional need for those who come across them. And hardcore conspiracy theorists could win a Gold with the mental gymnastics used to rationalize evidence that contradicts their beliefs.

You may be familiar with the ever-popular conspiracy theories like the Moon Landing being staged, that Earth is actually flat, airplanes are dumping poison via chemtrails, and COVID-19 is a “plandemic” that’s been spread with the help of 5G, of course. No matter the proof showing otherwise, believers may never be swayed, as any proof or eyewitnesses are obviously part of the conspiracy.

We were able to collect a whole new list of conspiracy theories to share that you may not be familiar with. Keep scrolling to read more.

1. Art supplies are a scam

Art supplies are a scam.

Anybody who has ever tried to buy nice markers will know. Copic, a very nice brand of alcohol-based markers, is stupidly expensive. It'll cost you $7 if you want to buy one marker. And don't get me started on digital art programs.

Want to use Procreate? Cool, pay $10 a month and also please pay for every type of brush as well. Did you lose your digital pen? That's like $200 to replace! So yeah, artists are totally being scammed for the basic tools they need to express their creativity!


1. Art supplies are a scamgiphy

2. Gaston from Beatuy and the Beast is responsible for inflation of egg prices

Okay for those who haven’t seen Beauty and the Beast, this is gonna be gibberish. So, in Belle (the first song, I think), a lady sings “I need six eggs, that’s too expensive”.

But later, Gaston sings, “When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs…now that’s I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs”! GASTON IS SINGLE-HANDEDLY JACKING UP EGG PRICES AND LEAVING THE EGGCONOMY IN SHAMBLES.

(Not my theory. From tumblr)


2. Gaston from Beatuy and the Beast is responsible for inflation of egg pricesgiphy

3. Justin Bieber sings for Post Malone

Okay okay. Listen. Post Malone doesn't sing his songs. Justin Bieber does. On multiple occasions, Justin is seen with Post Malone when he does his music.

If you take off the auto-tune and change the pitch, it sounds like Justin. Also find it hard to believe someone who constantly smokes, even in interviews, can sing that way. Think about it.

3. Justin Bieber sings for Post Malonegiphy

4. You can lie to a lie detector

You can lie to a lie detector. See, it works based on your pulse. Your pulse is like a mirror of your feelings and thoughts. If you lie, but convince yourself to be dead calm, it will read it as a truth.

If you make yourself uncomfortable when telling the truth, it will be detected as a lie. This is actually based on my own research, and believe it or not, IT. WORKS.

Veru Jaros

4. You can lie to a lie detectorgiphy

5. The London Eye can teleport

When me and my cousin were younger we decided that the London eye can TOTALLY teleport


5. The London Eye can teleportgiphy

6. World leaders are purposefully ruining things

That the people in charge of this world are actively destroying things, and killing off as many as possible, and making things absolutely miserable for us on purpose. Not sure exactly what the point of killing us all is, but I do believe they’re f*****g stuff up.

And it doesn’t matter who wins any election, we can’t fix any of it by voting

An Unpopular Opinion.

6. World leaders are purposefully ruining thingsgiphy

7. JFK wasn't assassinated by who you think

JFK was NOT killed by Harvey Oswald or with a single magic bullet that went thru him twice and then through the body of Governor Connelly!!

How do you like them 🍏🍏🍏🍏’s !


7. JFK wasn't assassinated by who you thinkgiphy

8. Time travel exists

Time travel. I think that there are infinite numbers of different dimensions and that people have came to our current time before.


8. Time travel existsgiphy

9. Everyone has an allergy, whether or not they've discovered it

I know it's rather weird but... I think everyone is allergic to something and most people just say they aren't allergic to anything because they haven't found the thing they're allergic to. I know that it's not true but It just always kind of made sense to me.

Emily Woehler

9. Everyone has an allergy, whether or not they've discovered itgiphy

10. Princess Diana's death was planned

That the Princess Diana's death was not a tragic accident.


10. Princess Diana's death was plannedRoyal.UK

11. Elon Musk isn't human

Elon Musk is actually an android.

Richard Graham

11. Elon Musk isn't humangiphy

12. Large companies create fake product shortage to excuse inflation

More and more I believe big industrial groups create fake products shortages in order to increase prices and push people to purchase things that they don't need (in fear of lacking something).

Examples in France this year:

- Semiconductors shortage and now the price of a new car is almost increased by 30%

- Sunflower oil missing for weeks and going from 3€ per liter to 6,50€ "because of war in Ukraine", when the sunflower oil was already stocked and the future seeds were to be harvested months afterwards.

- Mustard, same shortage, same overpricing, same lame explanations, when you could buy tons of French mustard in foreign countries at a lower cost.

- Gas/petrol these days, several reasons given (at first it was due to the success of a commercial operation, then a strike in refineries, and today no explanations at all and still many gas stations are closed or having just one type of fuel.

Some people blame the lack of foreseeing of industrial groups who didn't buy enough to meet the demand, I think it's done totally on purpose, less storage, less workers, less logistics, same income.

Nadine Debard

12. Large companies create fake product shortage to excuse inflationgiphy

13. Roswell Army found technology from a crashed UFO and used it

In July, 1947, Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release stating that they had recovered a "flying disc". Just five months later in December, 1947, the first electronic transistor was demonstrated. I think this is more than a coincidence of timing. I think the transistor was based on technology found in a crashed UFO.

Hugo Farr

13. Roswell Army found technology from a crashed UFO and used itgiphy

14. Our smartphones are listening to us

THE PHONES ARE LISTENING TO US. THEY CAN HEAR US TALK. I think our phones can hear us, and record the things we talk about. I also think they connect to the phones of people we are frequently around (friends, family, etc.).

I think this because my friend talks about a show recently that i have NEVER googled, and guess what showed up in my fy page? yeah. this has happened multiple times. its just a bit fishy if you ask me

IV (he/they)

14. Our smartphones are listening to usgiphy

15. Stories we make up create a new separate universe

Well more of a theory but the books, games, and movies we create develop a separate universe.

Natalea U

15. Stories we make up create a new separate universegiphy

16. Monsters are real

Aliens are real.

Ghosts and strange creatures are real

Skinwalkers which I guess is weird creatures are real

Chickens are fluffy

16. Monsters are realgiphy

17. Something something QAnon and nipples

There was a lot of concern on QAnon before the year 2020, because 2+0+2+0=4, which is the exact amount of nipples Hitler would have had if he had 2 more nipples.

Dan Bexell

17. Something something QAnon and nipplesgiphy

18. Celebrities can re-create themselves as a new person

Millie Bobby brown is actually Tom hardy.

I just want to say that this is a joke, it was from a video from Comedy Central with jacob tremblay, this is the video if anyone wanted to know:

Froggi Juice

19. Amelia Earhart was eaten by coconut crabs

There is not a snowballs chance in heck that Amelia Earheart WASN'T eaten by coconut crabs. LOOK AT THOSE THINGS! THEY'RE TERRIFYING! And also, I kinda want to belive that dinosaurs COULD have had primitive tools, yet there is no evidence.

I kind of want to see like, a Troodon having some idea how to utilize sticks.

Wesley Stewart

19. Amelia Earhart was eaten by coconut crabsgiphy

20. Cats planned the pandemic

Pandemic was orchestrated by cats.

Okay, I don't legitimately believe this, but it's still plausible.

Pandemic happens. Everyone has to stay home. And spend more time with their cats. And do business/school over online meetings, which are infiltrated by cats.|


20. Cats planned the pandemicgiphy

21. The universe is just a science project

The universe is a simulation for a middle schooler's science project. Quantum physics is nuts because they didn't want to do the math to make things actually make sense. And the speed of light was determined by their CPU clock speed. FYI, they got a C+. Any minute now they will turn it off and this nonsense will be finished.

RafCo (he/him)

21. The universe is just a science projectgiphy

22. Humans are idiots

Humans are idiots. Their is no denying that fact. We kill animals, we ruin the envorment, killing even more animals, and then we kill each other. Humans are idiots who can't even make peace with themselves.

Catman (He/Him)

22. Humans are idiotsgiphy

23. Loop Quantum Gravity and String Theory are both true and make up Quantum Knitting Theory

I think that both loop quantum gravity AND string theory are true. Loop quantum gravity states that the universe is made of small loops, but string theory that it is made of tiny strings. My theory is that it is like Knitting or Crochet. Tiny strings looped into a larger fabric.

Luke T

23. Loop Quantum Gravity and String Theory are both true and make up Quantum Knitting Theory

24. Dinosaurs didn't exist, *dragons* did

That dinasaur sceletons are actually dragons. Just think about it. Almost all civilizations talk about dragons. Did they live while humans existed after all or maybe humans found their bones and believed it to be dragons....

Lize-Marie Ehrismann

24. Dinosaurs didn't exist, *dragons* didgiphy

25. Cryptids are animals yet to be scientifically classified

Cryptids just haven't been scientifically classified yet. There are daily new discoveries, not all of them tiny creatures. There are definitely hoaxes, but a hoax in one continent cannot solve much older, similar sightings. There are also entire light spectrums not seen by the human eye. I believe it is not unheard of to develope camoflauge. -insert manic foaming picture taking here lol-


25. Cryptids are animals yet to be scientifically classifiedgiphy

26. Modern history is a lie

Historian here, and I think most modern history is a lie: an edited, revised, washed down, sanitized and censored approximation written by conservative, crusty, old white men in XIX century Europe. Our ideas of civilization, democracy and progress are neither Western nor modern, and at worst are an ideological excuse for domination.

Luis Hernandez Dauajare

26. Modern history is a liegiphy

27. Drug companies are withholding life-saving drugs

The drug companies keep really effective drugs off the market because they profit only from sick people. Once cured, a person no longer relies on the drug industry.

27. Drug companies are withholding life-saving drugsgiphy

28. Trump will never be held responsible for his actions

You say conspiracy theory, I say prove me wrong! I am certain that Mr. Trump has done more dishonest, despicable, morally corrupt, illegal, selfish, anti-American, treasonous, misogynistic and immoral acts than any other president or politician in history.

I'm sure that many have been put to death for treason for much less than he did in his first year of office. Yet, there is absolutely no way (January 6 Committee notwithstanding) that he will ever be held responsible.

The man colluded with Russia in order to tamper with our election. Hello!? He incited the riot on January 6th making it possible for for murder and injuries to occur. And those are just the few that we know about. I don't want to hear about all the Trumper's denial out there.

Brainwashing is real. Look it up. He deserves to be locked up in a federal penitentiary for the rest of his natural born life. He will never be severely punished, let alone slapped on the wrist with a fine.

So what does that say to the next person or organization who wants the presidency? Pretty soon the American government will be run by the highest bidder who may or may not have ties/affiliations to a foreign government. Slippery slope people. Open your eyes.

Death Glare Champion

28. Trump will never be held responsible for his actionsgiphy

29. Aliens exist

That aliens exist. Look at the night sky, all those stars are suns, all those suns have planets, so there is NO WAY that Earth is the only planet with life.


29. Aliens existgiphy

30. Death is the start of a new universe

When you die, you'll find yourself in a cold, black void, empty save for a distant light. Head for it, and it will get massively brighter, sucking you in with infinite-seeming speed, until it explodes. That light is your soul, and the explosion will be the Big Bang of a new universe. Congratulations! You are now a god!

Right now we're all in a universe that used to be some guy named Bob.

Phobrek Taz

30. Death is the start of a new universegiphy

31. The world ended in 2012

The world really ended in 2012 and we are stuck in a matrix of continuous garbage alternative event streams.

Colin Brackenridge

31. The world ended in 2012giphy

32. Cats rule the world

Cats rule the world. We are their puppets.

Freya the Wanderer

32. Cats rule the worldgiphy

33. Magic is real

Magic is real.


33. Magic is realgiphy

34. The UK uses weather forcasts to stir up the economy

That the UK weather forecast is used to manage the consumers economy.

Bread & milk not selling that well? 'There's a massive snowstorm coming that will last days!'.

Meat sales down? 'You can expect high temperatures as a heatwave moves in!'

Eggs and flour? 'Heavy rain is expected to continue for the next 2 weeks!'

The forecast is hardly ever accurate when they predict extreme weather. Yet when they forecast light showers throughout the day, it floods down like Victoria falls!

Donkey boi

34. The UK uses weather forcasts to stir up the economygiphy

35. Kevin James only has a career because Chris Farley is no longer alive

If Chris Farley was still alive, Kevin James wouldn't have the career he has now.

Linda's friend Ginger

35. Kevin James only has a career because Chris Farley is no longer alivegiphy

36. Womens pants have small pockets to force them to purchase purses

I know this isn't the most original theory, and have seen it a gazillion times, but whatever.

Women's pockets. The purse industry and the pants/other clothing industries are working together to make a ton of money. They make the pockets so dam small that we are forced to either buy men's clothes, or purses.


36. Womens pants have small pockets to force them to purchase pursesgiphy

37. Car and oil industries are preventing development in energy resources

I firmly believe that the car industry as well as the oil industry prevent the development of more efficient energy sources.

I also believe that many inventions that flop are actually intended to fail so that users will get back to the established products. This is achieved by intentionally flawed design and/or propaganda.


37. Car and oil industries are preventing development in energy resourcesgiphy

38. Birds aren't real

Birds aren't real, just government surveillance drones. Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? Exactly

Guile main

38. Birds aren't realgiphy


There was way. way more to 9/11

Peej Maybe


40. College in the U.S. is so unaffordable to force people to join the military (except there's *some* proof)

The reason colleges in the U.S. cost so much is so you're more pressured to join the military.

Linda's friend Ginger

40. College in the U.S. is so unaffordable to force people to join the military (except there's *some* proof)RepJimBanks

41. The Loch Ness Monster exists

Other people have already said 9/11 and JFK so here's another one I believe:

The Loch Ness Monster exists, or did exist. I have no trouble believing land dinosaurs died out, but we can't guarantee that sea dinosaurs did. There could be tons of giant dinosaur species at the bottom of the ocean (like in The Meg).

There've been Nessie sightings for centuries, so a deep sea tunnel makes sense to me, maybe near a family of plesiosaurs.


41. The Loch Ness Monster existsgiphy

42. America's far-right used Orwell's book 1984 as a how-to-guide

Not so much a theory per se, but it is my reasoned belief that the far right used Orwell's 1984 as a how-to manual, rather than as a warning.

Leo Domitrix

42. America's far-right used Orwell's book 1984 as a how-to-guidegiphy

43. Rocks aren't hard

Rocks are soft


43. Rocks aren't hardgiphy

44. Vampires exist and rely on blood banks

the real reason there aren't vampire attacks nowadays is due to the invention of the red cross. they do a great service helping people with blood donations, but the vampires running it take 10-20% off the top to feed. everyone wins!

(*note: this theory may or may not be based in reality and may, in fact, just be a humorous thought experiment on my end)

James Tartaglione

44. Vampires exist and rely on blood banksgiphy

45. All mattress stores are money laundering fronts

that all the mattress stores you see everywhere, in every town are all money laundering fronts. only met two people who bought a mattress from them. never see the places busy.

James Tartaglione

45. All mattress stores are money laundering fronts

46. There is a group of people running the world behind-the-scenes

Some days I'm almost convinced that there is a group running things in the background. Sort of like the Illuminati but not for anything as banal as money or power. No, they are doing it for the LOLs.


46. There is a group of people running the world behind-the-scenesgiphy

47. Video doorbell footage stored on the cloud can be used against you

All those images and videos from cameras you’ve put up for security around your house are automatically stored at Amazon, at least for the “free trial” month of your “subscription.” How might that be used against us in the future?

Just wondering since 23andMe admitted data could be used against us by insurers and law enforcement.


47. Video doorbell footage stored on the cloud can be used against yougiphy

48. Parents throw nightly parties after their kids are in bed

The my parents had parties every night after my bedtime.

Anna Wu

48. Parents throw nightly parties after their kids are in bedgiphy

49. William Shakespeare was a paid merchant to be a cover for the Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere

The Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere is the real Shakespeare! Read Mark Anderson´s wonderful book, ¨Shakespeare by Any Other Name," to learn about why the Earl of Oxford wrote the plays. His life closely resembles the plots of several of Shakespeare´s plays and de Vere visited Venice where he got in trouble with Jewish merchants.

He had a library with over a thousand books, many of which had underlined passages that were later incorporated into plays. Since an Earl couldn´t be a playwright, he got semi-illiterate grain merchant Shak-sper (who only had a fifth grade education and never traveled abroad) to be his front. Please read Anderson´s book and spread the word!!


49. William Shakespeare was a paid merchant to be a cover for the Earl of Oxford Edward de Veregiphy

50. Elon Musk is a super villan

Me and my family have a theory the Elon Musk is a super villan. He's super rich and kids names sound like sneezes. I dare you to prove me wrong


50. Elon Musk is a super villangiphy

51. Kindness still exists

I believe that kindness still exists.

Ted B

51. Kindness still existsgiphy

Are you a fan of conspiracy theories, or are your views firmly planted in tangible reality? Have you heard of any of the conspiracy theories that were shared?

If you are one who enjoys the occasional conspiracy theory, what is your favorite one? Let us know in the comments section below, and be sure to share this with your fellow theorists!
