Mother Wonders If It's Not Proper To Hangout At The Coffee Shop With Her Toddler

An old lady muttered some insults about them, making the mother concerned about whether she was doing something wrong.

Mother Wonders If It's Not Proper To Hangout At The Coffee Shop With Her Toddler

It's a given that toddlers are noisy. They still don't have the maturity to determine when it's okay to be rowdy and when to stay quiet.

Maybe they feel the need to make noises for stimulating their brain's auditory centers. Psychologically, there are other explanations too.

The simple reason is that they want adults to notice them. After all, noise has the ability to grab attention.

According to experts, children are still establishing their sense of self. That's because they're not born with it.

Kids are only able to discover this through peer-to-peer relationships. It's only around age 4 to 6 that they start paying attention to their actions and thoughts.

They begin to recognize how others view them. It's within that age period that children, who tend to be loud, acknowledge that being noisy isn't socially acceptable.

Excitement is another reason why toddlers are noisy. Think of it like a dog wagging its tail. The younger the kid is, the more they don't know how to modulate their voice.

In other words, they may be noisy to our ears. But for the kids who make noises, they only know that they're excited.

A Redditor who's also a mom is wondering if she's wrong for taking her child to the coffee shop. She's a work-from-home mother who takes care of her little one while her husband is away.

She's also a young entrepreneur and a graduate school student. Since life can be busy, she just wants a bit of diversion while keeping things fun for her toddler at the same time.

The work-from-home mom wanted people's opinions about taking toddlers to a coffee shop.

The work-from-home mom wanted people's opinions about taking toddlers to a coffee shop.AccomplishedPlenty27

She needs to go outside from time to time because it can be tiring to stay at home with a kid the entire time.

She needs to go outside from time to time because it can be tiring to stay at home with a kid the entire time.AccomplishedPlenty27

She is aware that toddlers can be rowdy anywhere, so she makes it a point to lessen the inconvenience for other people.

She is aware that toddlers can be rowdy anywhere, so she makes it a point to lessen the inconvenience for other people.AccomplishedPlenty27

When picking a spot, she stays away from working people. But there's this one lady who's obviously not happy about her and her child's presence.

When picking a spot, she stays away from working people. But there's this one lady who's obviously not happy about her and her child's presence.AccomplishedPlenty27

She isn't the type to confront people. She asked redditors for their opinion.

She isn't the type to confront people. She asked redditors for their opinion.AccomplishedPlenty27

She and her toddler aren't the problem here.

She and her toddler aren't the problem here.Pgreen862, AccomplishedPlenty27

People who don't want to have kids don't necessarily hate socializing with kids.

People who don't want to have kids don't necessarily hate socializing with kids.dogmadandsad

Parents who allow children to be rowdy are the problem. But that isn't the case with the original poster.

Parents who allow children to be rowdy are the problem. But that isn't the case with the original poster.sa5m_i_am

The lady's insult isn't because her child is noisy.

The lady's insult isn't because her child is noisy._ewan_, CMUpewpewpew

The old lady probably thinks she's a single mom.

The old lady probably thinks she's a single mom.cattripper, cassiebones

Redditors agree that the kid isn't disturbing anyone.

Redditors agree that the kid isn't disturbing anyone.sparkingdeadly, notwizardharry

Even people who don't want kids are completely okay with the occasional talking with kids.

Even people who don't want kids are completely okay with the occasional talking with kids.nana_banana2

There's definitely something wrong with the lady who called her floozy.

There's definitely something wrong with the lady who called her floozy.polar_bear_14

People seem to forget that they were once kids.

People seem to forget that they were once kids.ark092, sparkingdeadly

A coffee shop is a public place, where mothers are free to bring their children.

A coffee shop is a public place, where mothers are free to bring their children.No_Application_8698

Perhaps the original poster needs to start wearing her wedding ring.

Perhaps the original poster needs to start wearing her wedding ring.a_peanut, mithdraug

If the old lady has a problem with the mom and her toddler, why does she even set near them?

If the old lady has a problem with the mom and her toddler, why does she even set near them?bulgarianlily

This old lady isn't worth worrying about.

This old lady isn't worth worrying about.UrCrazyMatchsMyCrazy

Redditors are applauding the original poster for being considerate of the coffee shop staff and other customers.

Redditors are applauding the original poster for being considerate of the coffee shop staff and other customers.AccomplishedPlenty27, UrCrazyMatchsMyCrazy

Since she's very considerate, she should just continue visiting the coffee shop without worrying about the old lady.

Since she's very considerate, she should just continue visiting the coffee shop without worrying about the old lady.TrustedTriangle

They're minding their own business and they're not bothering anyone. It shouldn't be a problem to visit the coffee shop with her daughter.

They're minding their own business and they're not bothering anyone. It shouldn't be a problem to visit the coffee shop with her daughter.Olive_The_Banshee

It's the old lady who clearly has issues.

First of all, she's judging the original poster without basis. Looking at the insults she muttered, it seems that the old lady doesn't even know that the mom with the toddler is married.

The original poster doesn't need to worry about this lady. She just needs to enjoy her time at the coffee shop with her daughter.
