10+ People Share The Moment They Realized Their Partners Were Cheating On Them
Cheater, cheater pumpkin eater!

Relationships ain't easy. Divorce rates are high, and dating apps are used a lot more like hook-up apps by sexually frustrated wanderers.So when you find someone you're willing to commit to it really takes some effort to make things work.
Naturally, nothing can be more depressing and frustrating then when you pour your time and heart into a relationship only to find out your partner has been cheating on you.
It is a sinking, dark moment for some. Utterly absurd for others. And for some, it is just a sobering truth. But either way, the moment is something to behold.Check out these deep, dark moments and how it all went down!
1. The honest mistress.
His mistress told me at the wedding of a mutual friend so that was nice.
I held my cool until we left, I wasn’t giving either of them the satisfaction of seeing me look like the crazy person or ruining someone’s big day.
2. The Cliché
Came home early from work and walked in on it. Yep, that’s about as cliche as it gets, but there you go.
Funny thing is, I had wanted an open relationship, but he said that he couldn’t deal with that. Turns out he was just selfish.
3. The Escort
I just found out tonight. Posted tonight in ‘tifu’ …I snooped through his texts.. He saw an escort a month before our wedding and texted them for another meetup during our honeymoon! …yup

4. The Toilet
Came home from working a double shift and found the toilet seat up. Either my wife didn’t take a piss for 20 hours straight or there had been another man in my house.
Suspected it was her “gay” friend from work. I also knew that said friend was trying to sell his house, so I called the real estate agent and asked the see his place. Right inside the front door, i recognized one of her jackets hanging in the mud room. Proceeded to the living room and bam…right on the fucking mantel was a picture of my wife and this guy.
We divorced shortly after. She ended up marrying this guy…then cheated on him…and now they are divorced. Didn’t feel bad for him at all.
5. The Social Media Pseudonym
She had a number of alternate Facebook pages under pseudonyms. One day, one of them showed up on my “suggested friends” and I said “Hey, this girl looks a lot like SO.” So, I looked at it. Sure enough, it was her, and she had an active relationship going on with someone else.
I later found two more of these pages.
6. The Christmas Party
Was the night of her company Christmas party. I had to stay home and babysit our five year old son (Grandma was supposed to, but she fell and was in the hospital with a broken hip.)
I figured wife would go and then come home early. Turns out, she was planning to stay the night at a hotel so “she could drink and not worry about driving.”
I woke up about 3am just knowing something was wrong (never happened before) and checked “Find My Phone” to see where she was. She was with her boss at his apartment.
Pretty much sucked.
7. The Deployment
I know this is cliche and I’ve definitely bitched about it before, but coming home from a 12 MONTH deployment to a BLACK baby when we’re both white were strike one and two. Strike three was telling me she had black relatives (whom I’ve never met) so that could be what happened, sure. Doesn’t matter what excuse You have there isn’t a magical 12 month gestation period. Makes me very fucking angry.

8. The Long Distance Relationship
Never have I thought I would be so stupid to let something like this go for so long or even turn a blind eye to it… I was in college and it was long distance. I was suspicious with the way he acted around me, he barely talked to me when I was away, and I found emails. He denied everything and I stupidly believed him. Then I received texts from his other girlfriend and she called me. I answered and we had a discussion about it. We both decided to confront him together and he was such a coward and hid in his room. She was batshit crazy on the other hand and cracked his windshield.
9. The "After-The-Fact"
About a week or so after my SO walked out on me a mutual friend runs into her. She is with a new guy. Friend asks “damn didn’t you just walk out on DrOctagon like a week ago? You move quick!” to which the “new” guy let slip “We have been together for a year.”
Didn’t walk in on her, did catch her in some way. I find out from a friend that she had been seeing some other guy for a year while she was living with me. I felt pathetic for a really long time. Still kinda do.
10. The Baby
Found out via Facebook a few months after I had broken up with him. I was still friends with his siblings and parents, and they were tagged in some photos of him. Holding his clearly to term newborn son. Less than nine months after I broke up with him.
11. The Swap
And this one time…. at band camp… I was 14/15 years old, my best friend (let’s call her Emma) and I were dating two boys who were best friends. Typical, right? So, one day Emma and I get out of rehearsal and we go to meet up with our boyfriends, who are nowhere to be found. So we look harder, we’re wandering around campus – and we hear low voices behind a ledge. Lo and behold, our precious boyfriends were there… MAKING OUT WITH EACH OTHER. Emma immediately started crying, which caused the boys to pull apart with a suctiony schluuurp. I suppose I wasn’t as in love with Boyfriend as I thought, because my reaction was to laugh hysterically. I had never seen two boys make out before. It wasn’t bad.

12. The Congratulations
My dad told me.
5 years later.
On the morning of my wedding to another woman.
After I dumped the cheater for unrelated reasons.
And my entire family pushed for me to get back together with her.
13. The Instagram Picture
An Instagram picture of her kissing another guy. She obviously didn’t really think that one through.
14. The One Who Didn't Wait
We were engaged, I had miscarried two weeks earlier, as he was driving me to the bus station so I could get a bus home (moved to a different city for him) the girl called to say she was almost done moving her stuff in and could she just toss what he didn’t give me time to pack
15. The Thanksgiving Break
Was living with a guy, he goes home for Thanksgiving and said he would be back the following Monday… Didn’t come back until after New Years, kept making excuses as to why he was staying longer. Finally returns, we spend 3 days together then he breaks up with me and tells me he’s moving to another state. I was pretty upset but overall was honestly calm about the situation and knew it wouldn’t work out long term with him that far away.
He leaves to go get something from the store and my cousin calls (they are from the same town, I met him through her). She asked why I sounded upset. I told her he was in town and that we had just broken up. She says, “…uhhh…. what is he doing there? He told everyone here that you broke up before Thanksgiving. He’s been sleeping around with at least 2 girls that I know of.”
He came back happy as a clam having no clue I had found out. Kicked him out in the rain at 10pm at night. Left his TV out on the curb.

16. The Drive-By
Drove by his house on my way to work (it’s on my way to work, wasn’t a checking up on him thing), saw them making out. Got through my day (barely) and called him. Asked him how his night was, got an “okay me and T (male bff) got a lot done.” (His excuse for not being with me the night before) “Oh who was the girl this morning?” “That was J, she stopped by to pick something up, she’s just a friend.” “Really? Weird, I don’t kiss my friends like that.” “It’s not what you think…” This went on for a while. I really just wanted him to admit he’d cheated. He never did…
Even better, a few days later J called me and was calling me all sorts of lovely names (whore, slut, etc.) because she thought she was the only one in his life. A couple hours later (after I’d hung up on her) she called with the intent of having a threesome. I started laughing, “and I’m the slut?” click Got a few calls from her (thanks ex for giving her my phone number, that was sweeet of you!) over the next month or so threatening me.
17. The College Letter
I received a letter in the mail from a college I never went to. Weird….
Inside, I found the entire texting history between my now ex-husband and his lover. I have determined that the sender was most likely the lover herself or her scorned husband (local police officer.)
Added bonus: At the time, I was 7 months pregnant.
18. The Surprise
Coming late to the party, but I walked in on him passed out naked in bed with a girl. I had a key to the apartment (not that it was locked anyways) and thought I’d drop by as a surprise.
19. The Phone Bill
When he was going on deployment, I got that horrible feeling that something was going on. I looked at the phone bill details and found many calls to a phone number that wasn’t our friends. With dread, I called that number. The woman who answered was aghast because he told her he was single. [Funny thing about that call – this was not the first time she had been seeing a man that she didn’t know was married. She told me that during our conversation. It was surreal.]
He filed for divorce during the deployment and was trying to get it pushed through as quickly as possible. He must have told that new one that he was divorced. Our kids were 3 yrs old and 1 yr old (twins) at the time. It was devastating to me and I was so clueless back then.
Looking back, I realized that the cheating had been going on for a couple of years. I don’t know why he didn’t break it off with me earlier or why he agreed to try for another child when he was seeing other people.
It took a while to get beyond the pain and betrayal. I’m a much happier person now than I was then – and more well-rested now that the kids are older.
20. The Weird Vibes
I found out he was cheating shortly after I found out I was pregnant, so honestly he probably could have gotten away with it even longer. At the time I was going through all sorts of weird emotions so I pushed off the weird vibes I was getting as “things are weird right meow, you’re reading too much into it.”
When I think back on it, I’m not sure what exactly tipped me off? Days before it was confirmed I realized he was suddenly taking phone calls from someone who, when he spoke to them, was apparently so important that he was talking low and chuckling all flirty and he made sure to be on the phone only when I wasn’t in the room. Then she called while we were in the middle of a serious “what are we gonna do about this baby” kinda talk, and seeing her name/picture pop up on his phone set off an alarm in my gut.
But I couldn’t place the feeling. Finally I just straight up asked if he was fucking around with the girl, he denied it, turned it on me, end of convo.
Few days later he left his phone in the bathroom and that nagging feeling was still there. So I bit the bullet and checked his phone. There were hundreds of texts to/from her, lots of sexual stuff & iloveyou’s. Turned out I was the other bitch, and he had a 3 yr long distance thing going on with this other girl. I was devastated.
TL;DR found out by looking on his phone, turns out I was the other woman, feelsgoodman.jpg
- ducklingsahoy
21. The anniversary
I walked in on her when I came back early from a business trip for our 1 year anniversary. I had recently fractured my wrist so I was wearing a cast and it was hard to defend myself, but the guy stood up and punched me in the face and broke my nose.
22. The Insurance Claim
My insurance agent emailed me. I was on a deployment, and my now ex-wife and my former friend drunkingkly wrapped my car around a light-pole. My agent (I know him from college, he was at the wedding) happened to see the two being overly familiar at a bar, the same day as the date on the insurance claim.
- cgludko
23. The Look
There was a guy I’d been having suspicions about. From the moment I first saw my girlfriend look at that guy I knew there’d be trouble. She’d always tell me how she hated him and disliked his annoying personality. He would try talking to her KNOWING she was in a relationship with me. Then, fast forward about 8 months, my girlfriend seems to be getting detached and eventually, on her birthday, breaks up with me, crying and all. The next day, literally, I’m at the store and I hear a guy and a girl giggling and having a blast, I pass by the aisle it’s coming from and low and behold, it’s them. They didn’t notice me and I got out of there right away completely screwed up. Then, 15 minutes later, I’m driving down a side street and boom, there they are again, walking down the street, she’s wearing his sweater. I drove by and the look on both their faces when they saw me, mostly my ex’s though, was absolutely priceless.

24. The Boyfriend of The Other Cheater
the boyfriend of the girl he was cheating on me with found me on social media and sent me a “hey heads up, my girlfriend is fucking your boyfriend like right now” message.
pretttttty awesome
for clarity: This guy was a complete stranger to me. He found out his girl was cheating on him, dug into it (through her phone etc, i assume) and then looked into the guy she was stepping out with. Saw that HE had a girlfriend (me), tracked ME down, and let me know what was up)
