12 Celebs With Perfect Replies For Haters

They too are subjected to sexism, racism, and prejudice

12 Celebs With Perfect Replies For Haters

It is not easy being a celeb. Being in the spotlight is not always pleasant.

Their every move is under scrutiny, and they have to be careful what they say and do. But sometimes, they are called out for simply being people.

When they do things that are normal for “regular” people, they will be called out. Stretch marks and cellulite on everyday people- not a big deal.

If they are seen on a celebrity, it’s a national issue, dragged through countless media. What’s even worse is that people expect that celebs have opinions and views that match their own.

That’s not possible. No one can agree with everyone.

Some people will support your views, some will not. But a person who has no views and strong opinions is not much of a person, right?

Well, some people don’t like to see celebs having opinions different than theirs and get their kicks by calling out celebs for absolutely anything and everything. Occasionally, they run into hard nuts to crack, celebs who can take care of themselves and find perfect replies that leave haters scratching their heads.

We have compiled a list of some of the best celeb replies, and we know you are going to love them.

1. J.K. Rowling on freedom of speech:

1. J.K. Rowling on freedom of speech:© Eastnews

2. Hilary Duff said to body shamers:

"I am posting this on behalf of young girls, women, and mothers of all ages. I'm enjoying a vacation with my son after a long season of shooting and being away from him for weeks at a time over those months.

Since websites and magazines love to share "celeb flaws" – well, I have them! My body has given me the greatest gift of my life: Luca, 5 years ago.

I'm turning 30 in September, and my body is healthy and gets me where I need to go. Ladies, let's be proud of what we've got and stop wasting precious time in the day wishing we were different, better, and unflawed. Y

ou guys (you know who you are!) already know how to ruin a good time, and now you are body shamers as well."

Hilary Duff

2. Hilary Duff said to body shamers:© Eastnews

3. Emma Watson explains how you can be a feminist and still have fashion choices:

"Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with.

It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality.

I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it."

Emma Watson

3. Emma Watson explains how you can be a feminist and still have fashion choices:© Eastnews

4. James Blunt, ladies and gentlemen...

4. James Blunt, ladies and gentlemen...© @JamesBlunt, © Eastnews

5. Lena Dunham about her wear-at-home clothing:

"It's only important to me that people know as they're busy tweeting bullshit about me I'm most often dressed in a latex suit and crystal crown working from home on imagining new worlds."

Lena Dunham

5. Lena Dunham about her wear-at-home clothing:© Eastnews

6. Zach Braff replying to criticism

6. Zach Braff replying to criticism© Eastnews

7. Gabby Sidibe

7. Gabby Sidibe© Eastnews

Taylor Swift:

"You’re going to have people who are going to say, 'Oh, you know like, she just writes songs about her ex-boyfriends,’ and I think frankly that’s a very sexist angle to take.

No one says that about Ed Sheeran. No one says it about Bruno Mars.

They’re all writing songs about their exes, their current girlfriends, their love life, and no one raises a red flag there."

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift: © Eastnews

Gigi Hadid

Gigi Hadid© @GiGiHadid, © Eastnews

10. Lorde about her dance choreography:

10. Lorde about her dance choreography:© Lorde, © Eastnews

11. Ariana Grande about the accusation of not being sexy:

"Sigh...tweets, comments, statements like this are not okay about anyone!!! We live in a day and age where people make it IMPOSSIBLE for women, men, anyone to embrace themselves exactly how they are.

Diversity is sexy! Loving yourself is sexy!

You know what is NOT sexy? Misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing, and body shaming!!! Talking about people’s bodies as if they’re on display ASKING for your approval/opinion.


CELEBRATE OTHERS. The things that make us different from one another make us BEAUTIFUL.


Ariana Grande

11. Ariana Grande about the accusation of not being sexy:© Eastnews

12. Demi Lovato:

12. Demi Lovato:© @ddlovato, © Eastnews

These celebs really know how to take care of themselves, and it’s nice to see. Their replies may be motivational for others because, unfortunately, body shaming, sexism, racism are not restricted to the celeb world only. Many people face them every day.

So, maybe they will feel better when they see that celebs have similar problems and tackle them successfully.
