20 Bare-Faced Celebrities Doing Their Part To Show The World We Don't Need Makeup To Look Beautiful

Some of our favorite Hollywood stars are fighting back against toxic beauty standards.

20 Bare-Faced Celebrities Doing Their Part To Show The World We Don't Need Makeup To Look Beautiful

For celebrities, being flawlessly beautiful at all times is important. After all, they never know when they're going to be snapped by the paparazzi, or if they will be recognized or approached by fans.

So, it's not often we see our favorite stars looking less than perfect. But, believe it or not, they are merely flawed humans, just like us.

And, even though celebrities have access to the best stylists and makeup artists around, these days, many of them are proudly showing the world their true selves, bare skin and all. Some of our favorite Hollywood stars are fighting back against toxic beauty standards, and they want us to know that we can still be beautiful without makeup.

Now, let's be honest, these celebrities are blessed with good genes to start with, so it's not surprising that underneath all the makeup and glam, they still look stunning. But, the message these celebrities want us to hear is that we are all beautiful, imperfections and all.

When we take away all the makeup and fancy clothes, what's left is a true representation of who we really are. And guess what? That person is beautiful!

Singer, Alicia Keys famously gave up wearing makeup entirely in 2016. Alicia said she had become addicted to wearing makeup and had an unhealthy attachment to it that she wanted to break.

For several years, Alicia didn't wear any makeup, even on stage. Nowadays, the star has begun wearing makeup again, but only in ways she feels comfortable with, and will often still go fresh-faced.

We've come up with a list of 20 stars who proudly show their makeup-free faces to the world. Keep scrolling to see who made the list.

1. Jennifer Garner

1. Jennifer GarnerGetty Images / Instagram

2. Jennifer Lopez

2. Jennifer LopezGetty Images / Instagram

3. Gal Gadot

3. Gal GadotTokyono

4. Salma Hayek

4. Salma HayekGetty Images / Instagram

5. Camilla Mendes

5. Camilla MendesGetty Images / Instagram

6. Ariana Grande

6. Ariana GrandeGetty Images / Instagram

7. Lily Collins

7. Lily Collinsmelalegolas

8. Bella Hadid

8. Bella HadidGetty Images / Instagram

9. Megan Thee Stallion

9. Megan Thee StallionGetty Images / Instagram

10. Kate Winslet

10. Kate WinsletGetty Images / Instagram

11. Adele

11. AdeleGetty Images / Instagram

12. Zendaya

12. ZendayaGetty Images / Instagram

13. Vanessa Hudgens

13. Vanessa HudgensGetty Images / Instagram

14. Katy Perry

14. Katy PerryGetty Images / Instagram

15. Lady Gaga

15. Lady GagaGetty Images / Instagram

16. Drew Barrymore

16. Drew BarrymoreGetty Images / Instagram

17. Jessica Simpson

17. Jessica SimpsonGetty Images / Instagram

18. Cindy Crawford

18. Cindy CrawfordGetty Images / Instagram

19. Gigi Hadid

19. Gigi HadidGetty Images / Instagram

20. Bebe Rexha

20. Bebe RexhaGetty Images / Instagram

What do you think of all these stunning stars without makeup? We think it's so refreshing to see our favorite celebrities looking like everyday people.

After all, that's exactly what they are, right? They're just imperfect people like us who happen to have very glamorous jobs and lifestyles.

Okay, they may have access to the very best skincare, orthodontics, and personal trainers. But, they're still just real people with real flaws.

Let's face it, the beauty standards that we're expected to live up to today are nothing short of ridiculous. Even some of Hollywood's biggest stars can't reach that level of perfection, which is why many turn to photoshop and filters.

It's time to get rid of the unrealistic expectations we put on celebrities (and ourselves). Let's take a lesson from the stars on this list and let our inner beauty shine bright!

We would love to hear your opinions on this topic. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
