15 Famous Stars That Hire Assistants To Perform The Most Absurd Tasks You Can Imagine

These rich celebrities employ personal assistants to do the work they don't want to do

15 Famous Stars That Hire Assistants To Perform The Most Absurd Tasks You Can Imagine

Power always goes hand in hand with wealth, especially for celebrities. Many celebrities are high-maintenance and need tiny armies of entourages to attend to their every whim, yet there are also down-to-earth superstars who simply live their lives as any other regular person would.

Most of us have to get by doing our own chores and tasks, whereas rich celebrities can just employ personal assistants to do the work they don't want to do. The issue is that some people have gone too far with this.

No doubt, most of us have at least once questioned whether a celebrity lives a typical life like everyone else. We frequently assume that wealthy celebrities live in a different reality than regular people.

While some famous and wealthy people enjoy basic, down-to-earth lives by taking care of the majority of their own responsibilities and chores, others opt to hire help for the things they don't want to do. If celebrities hired others to do routine tasks like driving or creating their clothing, there would be nothing to comment on.

The problem is that many celebrities search for someone to fulfill their peculiar and unusual needs. Evidently, the occupations they provide can rank among the most amazing vocations in the world.

Scroll down to see some famous people hiring helpers to perform amazing chores!

1. Justin Bieber is just one of many famous people who find it bothersome and inconvenient to bring food and drinks with them

While the pop singer isn't eating, his personal staff holds the food and beverages for him.

1. Justin Bieber is just one of many famous people who find it bothersome and inconvenient to bring food and drinks with themPhoto: Def Jam

2. When Mariah Carey hired a drink holder to follow her around parties in 2008, many people were taken aback

Also, this aide had a straw with her to maintain the celebrity's lipstick.

2. When Mariah Carey hired a drink holder to follow her around parties in 2008, many people were taken abackPhoto: D Dipasupil / Getty Images

3. Nelly is well known for his love of jewels in addition to his distinctive facial Band-Aid

He takes such great care of his jewelry collection that he hires someone to accompany him on trips. He decided to do this after having $1,000,000 worth of jewelry taken from his Las Vegas hotel room.

3. Nelly is well known for his love of jewels in addition to his distinctive facial Band-AidPhoto: Photobra – Adam Bielawski / Wikimedia Commons

4. Larry Ellison is an avid basketball lover who owns a $50 billion firm

He has dedicated half of his private yacht to playing this sport because he is so passionate about it. The ball may easily fall into the ocean, which is the only issue.

The millionaire decides to hire a guy to ride a speedboat and capture any balls dropping from the yacht because he doesn't want to share the boat's space with a lot of balls.

4. Larry Ellison is an avid basketball lover who owns a $50 billion firmPhoto: Oracle Computer Communications / Wikimedia Commons

5. Ludacris has a strong passion for video games

Like every other player, the most frustrating scenario for him is when the battery on his electronic device dies. Because of this, he had a helper take extra batteries for his Game Boy in the early 2000s and swap them out as needed.

5. Ludacris has a strong passion for video gamesPhoto: Toglenn / Wikimedia Commons

6. P!nk

Do you realize that nipple pinching is a legitimate occupation? The well-known performer P!nk, who has a powerful and rough voice, hired for that position. Before her concert, this singer requires a nipple pincher to take care of her.

6. P!nkPhoto: Allison / Wikimedia Commons

7. Oprah has an official bra manager who measures all of her underwear to make sure they fit her perfectly since she understands how important it is to have comfortable undergarments.

7. Oprah has an official bra manager who measures all of her underwear to make sure they fit her perfectly since she understands how important it is to have comfortable undergarments.Photo: Ian Evenstar / flickr

8. If you can make a killing, you should follow Ceelo Green's example because sweating can lead to a variety of problems

This rapper has a helper who wipes away his sweat and another who opens chewing gum packages and puts it in his mouth.

8. If you can make a killing, you should follow Ceelo Green's example because sweating can lead to a variety of problemsPhoto: Gilbert Carrasquillo / Getty Images

9. Charles III

What do you expect from a member of the royal family? They appear to be surrounded by servants at all times.

In particular, Charles III has an "official undresser" and someone who looks after his shoelaces. Some people think the monarch had never undressed himself in his lifetime.

9. Charles IIIPhoto: Jamie Roach / Shutterstock.com

10. Nick Young, a basketball player popularly known as Swaggy P, misplaced his beloved Red October sneakers at home

He thought someone had stolen them, so he hired two full-time guards to keep an eye on his priceless shoes in order to avoid this kind of situation.

10. Nick Young, a basketball player popularly known as Swaggy P, misplaced his beloved Red October sneakers at homePhoto: Keith Allison / Wikimedia Commons

11. Sound sleep is crucial for a musician and singer with a busy schedule like Rod Stewart to replenish the energy he needs for the performance

He has a team of helpers in charge of turning off all the lights in the room before he gets there so that he might sleep as much as possible.

11. Sound sleep is crucial for a musician and singer with a busy schedule like Rod Stewart to replenish the energy he needs for the performancePhoto: Gary Gershoff/Contributor

12. Gwyneth Paltrow, an actress, is well known for leading a holistic and healthy lifestyle

She has a staff of 20 holistic advisors working for her to make sure she can stay on track. To ensure she is constantly in the optimum condition, this team will oversee her food and monitor her physical health.

12. Gwyneth Paltrow, an actress, is well known for leading a holistic and healthy lifestylePhoto: Michael Buckner/Staff / Getty Images Entertainment

13. Mark Wahlberg, an actor, is renowned for being a morning person who almost always values punctuality

Unexpectedly, his human alarm clock holds the key. To make sure he never forgets the time, this helper will remind him.

13. Mark Wahlberg, an actor, is renowned for being a morning person who almost always values punctualityPhoto: The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas / flickr

14. P Diddy, better known as Sean Combs, used to have a helper hold an umbrella for him.

This definitely relieves the well-known hip-hop artist's anxiety regarding the rain and the possibility of getting wet.

14. P Diddy, better known as Sean Combs, used to have a helper hold an umbrella for him.Photo: Arthur / Wikimedia Commons

15. Lady Gaga

Jennifer O'Neill, Lady Gaga's personal assistant, filed a lawsuit against the pop star in 2013 after she insisted the employee sleep next to her for free. The famous singer needed to hold on to a nightmare cuddler since she appeared to be scared of going to bed alone.

15. Lady GagaPhoto: Sassy / Wikimedia Commons

These well-known individuals have employed staff to perform a variety of weird and simply extraordinary things that most people would find absolutely unbelievable, rather than hiring helpers to assist them with their regular, everyday tasks. Oh well, it's their money and they can afford to pay for these services.

What do you think about these wealthy people? Do you think their requirements are absurd and unbelievable?

If you had lots of money, would you hire people to do a strange task? Please share your thoughts in the comment below!
