Co-stars Reveal 9 Actors Who Are Terrible Kissers

Well, you can't have it all...

Co-stars Reveal 9 Actors Who Are Terrible Kissers

Famous people often seem to have more opportunities to share an on-screen kiss with their favorite stars, leading to envy and wonder from their fans. However, the reality of these moments is often far from glamorous.

Awkward experiences on set are daily, and actors often share stories of their famous co-stars whose kissing techniques left much to be desired. While a passionate kiss in front of the cameras may appear romantic, the reality is quite different.

The presence of a large crew and the need for multiple takes can make these moments feel forced and awkward. Actors and actresses must work hard to create believable chemistry on screen, even if they may not feel a genuine connection with their co-stars.

It's not just the actors who feel uncomfortable during these moments. Fans who imagine what it would be like to share a kiss with their favorite stars in real life often forget the awkwardness and lack of spontaneity that comes with on-screen kisses.

Despite this, the allure of celebrity and the thrill of seeing a beloved star in an intimate moment can make these scenes some of the most memorable and iconic in cinema. Ultimately, on-screen kisses may not be as glamorous as they appear, but they remain an important part of the movie-making experience.

Creating a believable connection between characters is essential for any successful film; on-screen kisses are just one way to accomplish this. Whether genuine or forced, these moments remain a memorable part of cinema history, capturing the hearts and imaginations of fans worldwide.

1. Robert Pattinson

According to a report by InTouch, Reese Witherspoon expressed her dissatisfaction with the kissing scene with Robert Pattinson in Water for Elephants. Witherspoon stated that Pattinson had a severe cold during the shoot, making the experience unpleasant.

In addition, she described his constant snorting and spitting as off-putting and claimed it was the worst experience of filming a love scene with a co-star.

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2. Kate Hudson

According to ABC News, Dane Cook disclosed during a Watch What Happens Live appearance that Kate Hudson is not a good kisser. He made this comment during the interview. “I had to burn her on that one because I worked with her in the film My Best Friend’s Girl, and I think she purposefully ate like a feast of onions before our scene.”

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3. Tom Cruise

Thandie Newton expressed her lack of enthusiasm toward kissing Tom Cruise in the movie Mission: Impossible. Newton spoke to the media and stated, "People,”“It was a little gross and a little wet when I kissed Tom Cruise,” she said."I would complain to my family about how exhausting the task had been and how often we had to repeat it.”

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4. Bradley Cooper

In Silver Linings Playbook, Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper kiss. After the second try, Lawrence reportedly told Cooper, “You’re a wet kisser,” according to a report in the Daily Mail. That’s the last thing you want to hear. That was not meant as praise.

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5. Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie, known for her seductive on-screen persona, shares a kiss with James McAvoy in the movie Wanted, which lacks passion. According to McAvoy, who spoke to The Huffington Post, the experience of kissing Jolie was filled with the awkwardness that made it memorable.

The two actors share several kissing scenes in the film.

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6. Jason Segel

According to a report by Digital Spy, Alyson Hannigan expressed her dislike towards kissing Jason Segel on the set of How I Met Your Mother. “Cigarette smoke is intolerable to me. He’s attempting to be polite by carrying gum or mints, but it’s like kissing an ashtray."

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7. Emma Watson

According to reports, Rupert Grint had difficulty filming his kiss with Emma Watson in the Harry Potter series. Regarding his long-standing friendship with Emma, Grint commented. “I’ve known her since she was nine, and we had this incredibly brother-sister bond.”

The whole experience was extraordinary in a peculiar sense. I can still vividly recall how her face gradually approached mine, reaching a level of astonishment that can only be described as "Oh my God.”

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8. Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp shared a kiss in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, which Depp found challenging. According to Depp's statement to TMZ, any scene involving intimate moments is always uncomfortable, mainly because he met Keira when she was just 17 years old.

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9. Victoria Beckham

According to The Daily Mail, in the 1980s, during his romantic involvement with Victoria Beckham, the late actor Corey Haim commented to The Sun about her kissing abilities, stating that she was a lousy kisser and made a strange "grrhh" noise while kissing. Haim described the sensation as similar to excitement when a girl bites on your lip.

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Although on-screen kisses can be awkward and lack spontaneity, they remain an essential part of cinema history. Creating a believable connection between characters is crucial for any successful film, and on-screen kisses are one way to achieve this. Despite the challenges, actors and actresses continue to captivate audiences with their artistry and contribute to the movies we love.
