Adorable Photos Of Cats With Their Kittens That Will Bring Happiness To Anyone's Day

If you need a reason to smile try these adorable photos of cat teaching their kittens the tricks of life.

  • Published in Animals
Adorable Photos Of Cats With Their Kittens That Will Bring Happiness To Anyone's Day

Parenthood seems a lot like the blind leading the blind, you're not really sure if you should show them your bad habits but, at the same time, you know those skills that got you in trouble were important to your growing it. It's a blessing if your child is just like you, or is it a curse? That depends if you were the kind of trouble that's funny or the kind that made your own parents tare their hair out. 

If you'd like that experience without having a child of your own check out these photos of cat parents teaching their babies the ins and outs of life, in the most adorable ways possible! Look through these photos and try your hardest not to melt at the cuteness!

1. Prime Sleeping Position To Attack Nearby Feet

1. Prime Sleeping Position To Attack Nearby FeetVia Reddit

2. Here Is Where The Food Comes From Little One

2. Here Is Where The Food Comes From Little OneVia Imgur

3. My Jellybean Will Soon Be The Bringer Of Death!

3. My Jellybean Will Soon Be The Bringer Of Death!Via Reddit

4. More Sleep. Always More Sleep

4. More Sleep. Always More SleepVia Wikimedia

5. Blinds Are For Playing In!

5. Blinds Are For Playing In!Via Wikimedia

6. Smooches!

6. Smooches!Via Reddit

7. Kittens Very First "If I Fits, I Sits."

7. Kittens Very First Via Pinterest

8. One Day You'll Have Ears Like Mine...

8. One Day You'll Have Ears Like Mine...Via Reddit

9. If Someone Says You've Had Enough Sleep, They're Wrong.

9. If Someone Says You've Had Enough Sleep, They're Wrong.Via Reddit

10. Shhh!

10. Shhh!Via Imgur

11. Everything The Light Touches Simba

11. Everything The Light Touches SimbaVia Twitter

12. Watching... Waiting...

12. Watching... Waiting...Via Imgur

13. Is It Nap Time Again Yet?

13. Is It Nap Time Again Yet?Via Pinterest

14. And This Is How We Loaf

14. And This Is How We LoafVia Reddit

15. Judgmental Stare = Nailed.

15. Judgmental Stare = Nailed.Via Reddit

16. You Can't Get Much More Identical That These Two!

16. You Can't Get Much More Identical That These Two!Via Reddit

17. Wait... Yes You Can.

17. Wait... Yes You Can.Via Twitter

18. More. Naps.

18. More. Naps.Via Twitter

19. Small Kitten Learns The Art Of The Slow Blink

19. Small Kitten Learns The Art Of The Slow BlinkVia Wikimedia

20. We Sits. We Watch. We Judge.

20. We Sits. We Watch. We Judge.Via Twitter