These People Insisted They Didn't Want Cats But It Turned Out They Were Totally Wrong

It's a tale as old as time, a grumpy family member thinks that the last thing on the planet they need or want in life is another critter to care for, least of all the cat variety

  • Published in Animals
These People Insisted They Didn't Want Cats But It Turned Out They Were Totally Wrong

When Ruby tweeted out about her dad, who didn't want a cat, falling in love with her cats, a metric butt ton of people went, "same." It's a tale as old as time, a grumpy family member thinks that the last thing on the planet they need or want in life is another critter to care for, least of all the animal variety. At the top of the supposedly unwanted list? Cats. People always think they hate cats, but if you think you hate cats you just haven't met the right cat, yet.

It's practically impawsible to truly hate cats and these animals all proved their humans wrong for thinking they didn't want or need them in their lives.

1. Their the bets of pals.

1. Their the bets of pals.Leslie Burrows

2. A Fine Perch, Indeed.

2. A Fine Perch, Indeed.John_D2017

3. Dad is a crazy dog dad, now.

3. Dad is a crazy dog dad, now.3d6_in_order

4. If that's what hate looks like, we need more of it.

4. If that's what hate looks like, we need more of it.LisaCapri

5. Spoon Feeding. SPOON. FEEDING.

5. Spoon Feeding. SPOON. FEEDING.Lena Shaw

6. You thought wrong, and it's a difficult price to pay.

6. You thought wrong, and it's a difficult price to pay.rumNroleplay

7. If you don't want either of them then you definitely need both of them.

7. If you don't want either of them then you definitely need both of them.Zeze___

8. No animals you say? I'll raise you two kittens.

8. No animals you say? I'll raise you two kittens.Holly Patterson

9. True Love

9. True LoveMandi Van Den Berg

10. Thanks, I love this.

10. Thanks, I love this.catherine_cgc

11. Precious!

11. Precious!Alimaus

12. "MINE NOW."

12. Amy Gagnon

13. Good job, dad.

13. Good job, dad.Anne van Alkemade

14. Who rules the world? Cats rule the world.

14. Who rules the world? Cats rule the world.eden4peace

15. Karma? I guess.

15. Karma? I guess.amiasmatics

16. Oops.

16. Oops.Julie Sabin Breedlove

17. His mind was changed.

17. His mind was changed.bookscatsmeds

18. Very important task.

18. Very important task.shit_ninja

19. Just in case, it's educational.

19. Just in case, it's educational.sarahdmitchell

20. No cats. No dogs. BOTH.

20. No cats. No dogs. BOTH.Eithne Bailey

21. Purrfectly Precious.

21. Purrfectly Precious.Needlesedge

22. "Look at you, you're beautiful."

22. Amber Michelle

23. Oh yes, clearly.

23. Oh yes, clearly.tatuwah

24. Happy Family

24. Happy FamilyAmber Michelle

25. Socialization

25. SocializationBebhinn Larkin

26. Purrfect Cuddle Puddle Puss

26. Purrfect Cuddle Puddle Pussvespayik

27. Never say never.

27. Never say never.kaatpleunis

28. Cuddle Buddies.

28. Cuddle Buddies.Emily Cervantes

29. Worth it.

29. Worth it.meggs1956

30. Sorry pal, I'm not buying it.

30. Sorry pal, I'm not buying it.Victoria Morton

Did your cat transform the life of anyone in your home? Share pictures and stories with us in the comments!
