Redditor's Cat Visitor Inspires A Chuckle-Worthy Conversation About Neighborhood Cats

When your neighbor's cat comes calling, you wouldn't dare feel anything less than joy and excitement for such an honor.

  • Published in Animals
Redditor's Cat Visitor Inspires A Chuckle-Worthy Conversation About Neighborhood Cats

In the United States, 63% of domestic cats are strictly indoor pets. For the rest, some will come and go between a life of excitement outside and a life of leisure inside, while others live entirely outside!

For those cats who come and go as they please, you probably wouldn't be surprised to hear that a good chunk of them live double or even triple lives with other families in nearby neighborhoods. Sometimes, though, the cats who live their best, independent (when they want independence) lives, are just the best neighbors a fellow cat-lover could ask for!

An unexpected or even a regular cat visitor who lives nearby is just about the best thing you could see on a regular, if not daily basis when you love cats. And gosh, do we love cats.

Delighting in kitty-cat visitors is so exciting and popular among cat enthusiasts, that there are entire Reddit communities where people share pictures and stories of their feline friends. These gutsy guests bring joy to their families and then some.

So, if you spend your days dreaming of how to see more cats, then you're sure to be delighted by this collection of stories and photos from Redditors who were visited by neighborly cats.

Surprise Cat Loaf FTW

"When my neighbor's cat is bored she comes to the back door and watches what's happening for hours."

Surprise Cat Loaf FTWUnusualSoup

There's no denying this delightful kitty looks right at home while she takes in the entertainment offered by viewing shenanigans through her neighbor's window. It's basically at purr-fect cat height, too.

When another Redditor asked, "what are you doing that's so interesting?" u/UnusualSoup replied:

"Ahh today was trying to deal with broken dining chairs... and sadly having to buy new dining chairs."

Of course, when engaging in a cat-enthusiast community, it's important to add notes such as these, in case anyone is worried:

Of course, when engaging in a cat-enthusiast community, it's important to add notes such as these, in case anyone is worried:UnusualSoup

"Mistakes were made." - This cat, probably.


So, it's not just humans who are subjected to "Performance Reviews." Or shall we say... PURRformance reviews? Hmm?

So, it's not just humans who are subjected to JoeCoolsCoffeeShop

"The Cat Chose Me" stories always inspre a flush of equally delightful stories where cats chose their homes and families.


"Hey, our cats are friends."


People Zoo

People Zoorosslong1

A true 80's Rockwell moment

A true 80's Rockwell momentTumblr



It takes quite a bit of compassion to recognize when your cat has a home that's a better fit than your own.

It takes quite a bit of compassion to recognize when your cat has a home that's a better fit than your own.ryguy28896

You're quality entertainment, UnusualSoup.

You're quality entertainment, UnusualSoup.deathfox393

A year at a time? Wow.

A year at a time? Wow.catshannon

He was adopted but came home for one last goodbye. I'm not crying, you are.

He was adopted but came home for one last goodbye. I'm not crying, you are.catshannon

That's rough.

That's rough.catshannon

More Reverse CatTV

More Reverse CatTVSparkyCivic

r/NotMyCat is a great place to find even more stories where local cats pop up and make themselves at home. Some of them never leave!

r/NotMyCat is a great place to find even more stories where local cats pop up and make themselves at home. Some of them never leave!DEADSOULXXII

"Posted not my cat glaring in the window earlier. Here he is looking in at the indoor cat."


"Not my cat is looking v majestic for 6am"


"This is why I can't actually adopt yard cat lol. Bird doesn't have a fear of cats, yard cat wants to eat bird."


"Not my cat doesn't want to come in, but likes glaring in the window"


"Not my cat, Striper. He’s a peeping Tom! He’ll sit like this for hours and watch us. I’ve tried to make him my baby so many times but he’s too feral unfortunately."


If you don't have a "Not My Cat" story of your own, you're probably feeling just as jealous as I am right now. If you do have a "Not My Cat" story of your own, I certainly hope you'll share it with us in the comments right meow.

At the very least the one thing we all have in common is how much we love seeing cats, right?
