50+ Cats Pictures Guaranteed To Make You Smile And Drastically Improve Your Day

Our feline friends always know what to do in order to make us smile.

  • Published in Animals
50+ Cats Pictures Guaranteed To Make You Smile And Drastically Improve Your Day

The more we love our feline friends - the more we are delighted about them, and the more we are talking about them. It's not feasible to hide the love we feel.

But even if we try, how could we? They were alongside humans for thousands of years, long before being domesticated.

During that long period, their genes have changed from wildcats, and that adjustment enabled us to have furry friends now. Ever since they settled in our homes, they've taken our lives and most of our hearts, obviously.

We watch them as our faithful buddies who are always there, making us company each day. But that is the fact of who they truly are - loyal friends.

Everything around us could be changed, even ourselves, but our love for them remains at least the same. Whenever we are bored, sad, or just not in the right mood, our furry friends will find a way to make us smile, it's their specialty.

Although we think we know our pawsome friends and their nature, we can never guess what silly thing they'll do next. A little bit of mystery must stay hidden, it's their thing.

Here, we have collected some of the funniest photos of our pawsitively feline friends to do what they do the best - boost your mood and make you smile. Let us know which of these cuties is your favorite one.

1. A gymnast.

1. A gymnast.lull0731

2. "Some privacy? Please..."

2. hamstertalk

3. Serious coworker

3. Serious coworkertwcuddleston

4. "Hello to you, cutie".

4. reddit.com

5. "I’m remodeling my basement and all the ceiling tiles were just removed. I found my cat like this"

5. proffie

6. "We are just playing"


7. "I'll try to walk, watch me."

7. reddit.com

8. Meeow-teefies

8. Meeow-teefiesreddit.com

9. Is it snowing?

9. Is it snowing?reddit.com

10. "Today I was extremely sad and I thought "I can’t wait to go home and see my cat, he will make me happy". Ok well I found out he was more depressed than me"

10. gianlucadelonge

11. Zzz...

11. Zzz...DwnTa_matsu

12. "They put me into a nook".

12. Saul_g0od

13. Someone is a little fatty.

13. Someone is a little fatty.reddit.com

14. You even can't get mad.

14. You even can't get mad.reddit.com

15. "Last night's party wasn't a good idea."

15. reddit.com

16. From the brightest to the darkest.

16. From the brightest to the darkest.reddit.com

17. "Can I go out now?"

17. reddit.com

18. "Behold the glorious whiskers of shoulder cat"

18. reddit.com

19. Long live the cat.

19. Long live the cat.reddit.com

20. "My crush just told me over text that it was "unmanly" for men to have a cat. I sent her this"


21. Furry friend.

21. Furry friend.IStanCatwoman

22. Buddies

22. Buddiesreddit.com

23. Be careful.

23. Be careful.alsonameless

24. Selfie teefies

24. Selfie teefiesI_Luv_Transphobes

25. "He thinks he's being sneaky"


26. "Describe your cat in one picture"

26. reddit.com

27. First catch.

27. First catch.AuKF

28. Successful hunt.

28. Successful hunt.

29. "I'm just checking the kitchen."

29. niceabear

30. "I am perfectly comfortable".

30. MizWeirdo

31. So, what do you see?

31. So, what do you see?sam_antics

32. A creepy one.

32. A creepy one.reddit.com

33. "Yes, we are alike. Now take it off."

33. reddit.com

34. "I found this little boy in the countryside, alone. Initially, he was scared, now he seems to be pretty comfortable"

34. Aritmico

35. Sleeping.

35. Sleeping.Interkrmn

36. Funny lady.

36. Funny lady.reddit.com

37. Chilling out.

37. Chilling out.reddit.com

38. "It was a busy day".

38. reddit.com

39. Marking the territory.

39. Marking the territory.reddit.com

40. "If you can't hide a crime scene, just pretend you are a victim"

40. 7h3_D4RKN355

41. She couldn't resist the temptation.

41. She couldn't resist the temptation.shadow_kylie

42. "Do you have any treats"?

42. reddit.com

43. "Can you go faster?"

43. reddit.com

44. "May I ask you something?"

44. reddit.com

45. "The committee against vacuum cleaners".

45. reddit.com

46. "Woke up this morning and found my cats guarding my basement like this"

46. Dungeon Masters

47. Take yours.

47. Take yours.Brunson21

48. A big loaf.

48. A big loaf.reddit.com

49. Quite matching.

49. Quite matching.reddit.com

50. Perfect fitting.

50. Perfect fitting.reddit.com

51. Hello to adorable eyes.

51. Hello to adorable eyes.reddit.com

Do you have your furry friend? If you don't own one, this picture surely showed you how it feels to have one.

Every day is the same, yet so different from another, because you never know what new silly trick your cat will perform. If you have your funny friend captured in a photo, post it in a comment below and make up our day.
