30 Photo's Of Cats Wearing Hats Made From Their Own Shed Fur

How could cats possibly get any cuter? Stick them in hats made from their own fur of course!

  • Published in Animals
30 Photo's Of Cats Wearing Hats Made From Their Own Shed Fur

Cats are already one of the cutest, most endearing creatures on the planet, are they not? Yep, thought so!

So, how could they possibly get any cuter? Stick them in hats made from their own fur of course!

That's exactly what Japanese photographer, Ryo Yamazaki and his wife Hiromi have done, and quite frankly, we are here for it! The couple came up with a creative way to deal with the huge amounts of fur their trio of cats, Nyaa, Mugi and Mar were leaving behind around the house.

They began making adorable hats for their felines out of their own shed fur. From a pilot's hat to a Trump toupee, this creative couple has gone all out with their adorable hobby.

Naturally, we have the photo's below for you to awww over, so sit back, relax, scroll down and enjoy!

#1 Let's Fly

#1 Let's FlyRyo Yamazaki


#2Ryo Yamazaki


#3Ryo Yamazaki

#4 Witches Cat

#4 Witches CatRyo Yamazaki

#5 What's On My Head?

#5 What's On My Head?Ryo Yamazaki


#6Ryo Yamazaki


#7Ryo Yamazaki


#8Ryo Yamazaki

#9 Ready To Set Sail

#9 Ready To Set SailRyo Yamazaki


#10Ryo Yamazaki

#11 Bunny-Cat

#11 Bunny-CatRyo Yamazaki


#12Ryo Yamazaki


#13Ryo Yamazaki

#14 Roarrrr

#14 RoarrrrRyo Yamazaki

#15 Oh My

#15 Oh MyRyo Yamazaki


#16Ryo Yamazaki

#17 Aww, He's a Penguin

#17 Aww, He's a Penguinrojiman

#18 I'm a Mouse, Duh

#18 I'm a Mouse, DuhRyo Yamazaki


#19Ryo Yamazaki


#20Ryo Yamazaki


#21Ryo Yamazaki

#22 Sherlock-Cat At Your Service

#22 Sherlock-Cat At Your ServiceRyo Yamazaki


#23Ryo Yamazaki


#24Ryo Yamazaki


#25Ryo Yamazaki

#26 Fit For a Queen

#26 Fit For a QueenRyo Yamazaki


#27Ryo Yamazaki

#28 Furry I Am

#28 Furry I AmRyo Yamazaki

#29 Knight In Furry Armor

#29 Knight In Furry ArmorRyo Yamazaki


#30Ryo Yamazaki

If you loved these adorable cats in hats as much as we did, please remember to like, comment and share this post with your friends!
