10+ Cats Making The Best Faces You'll Ever See

These cats are saying an awful lot with the looks on their faces!

  • Published in Animals
10+ Cats Making The Best Faces You'll Ever See

If you're a cat lover then you know as well as any other cat lover that cats say a lot. Not just with how frequently they meow (especially at two in the morning,) but also with their facial expressions. The faces our cats make, no matter how grumpy or silly, are guaranteed to make us laugh regularly.

But not everyone wants to believe us when we say, "my cat was really giving me the stink eye." Sometimes capturing their expressive tendencies on camera can prove to be tricky but don't you worry, we've gone out and found some of the absolute best photos of cats making faces that run across virtually the entire emotional spectrum! 

We've got cats looking very angry, cats looking quite smug, and cats looking entirely too perplexed for our comfort. And each cat is absolutely purr-fection! How many of these facial expressions have you seen at home on your own cats? We're dying to know!

1. Plotting your untimely demise...

This facial expression is one that says, "I am going to wait until you're asleep to seek my revenge."1. Plotting your untimely demise...Pinterest

2. Things didn't go as planned

Kitty looks a little spooked to have fallen between the cracks.2. Things didn't go as plannedPinterest

3. How can you say no to this face?!

You cannot. It's that simple.3. How can you say no to this face?!baijroo

4. They call him crazy eyes

This is like the cat version of overly attached girlfriend.4. They call him crazy eyesImgur

5. "Why hello there hooman!"

Kitty looks just as surprised to see you as you probably were to see kitty. Caught in the act of some undesirable behavior perhaps?5. LoveMeow

6. Don't be a phony!

This smile is a LIE.6. Don't be a phony!KnowYourMeme

7. Let's play a game, please hooman?

That butt is about to wiggle SO much.7. Let's play a game, please hooman?Pinterest

8. Startled

To heck with this!8. StartledPinterest

9. Kitty Smiles

Kitty doesn't have a care in the world. Don't you envy this level of content?9. Kitty SmilesPinterest

10. "What do you mean this isn't a bed?"

The great mystery to us humans is why the sink is such an alluring bed for kitties.10. Pinterest

11. Double trouble.

If both of your cats are giving you this look then you messed up big time.11. Double trouble.YouTube

12. Shady business.

This kitty knows you've been giving him the diet kitty food.12. Shady business.Catster

13. If cats were humans...

This one would be a mouth breather for sure.13. If cats were humans...Pinterest

14. Why hello there.

Beautiful, beautiful cat.14. Why hello there.Instagram

15. Avast ye matey!

Shiver me timbers, Batten down the hatches!15. Avast ye matey!sadanduseless

16. Why don't cats like baths, you ask?

This is why.16. Why don't cats like baths, you ask?Pinterest

17. Perplexed kitty is perplexed.

We are all dying to know what this cat is looking at!17. Perplexed kitty is perplexed.Pinterest

18. The good nip.

Catnip + Cats = Entertainment for all.18. The good nip.Dailymail

19. Vengeance shall be mine.

You will regret the day you crossed this cat for a haircut.19. Vengeance shall be mine.cheezburger

20. She's got the universe in her eyes.

Entire worlds that mesmerize.20. She's got the universe in her eyes.LoveMeow

21. "Did not need to see THAT."

For as often as we stumble on our cats doing something we wish we didn't see... they have their own way of handling walking in on us being crazy, too.21. theverybest

22. Silly kitty says, "derp."

Never have we seen such a confused, silly face!22. Silly kitty says, Metro.uk

23. Kitties make silly faces, too.

You can warn your kids until your blue in the face not to cross their eyes but your cat is a free spirit.23. Kitties make silly faces, too.BlogSpot

24. We love Bub.

Every facial expression this kitty makes is pure gold.24. We love Bub.YouTube

And finally, a funny cats compilation
