30 Cats Who Have Mastered The Art Of Camouflage

Now you see them, now you don't.

  • Published in Animals
30 Cats Who Have Mastered The Art Of Camouflage

Cats are sneaky, versatile animals who always seem to get things their way. As much as they are adorable and beautiful in appearance, they can also sometimes be devils in disguise.

Whether you are a cat or a dog person, you can't deny the kind of charisma that cats have—they seem to have this magnetic field that just effortlessly draws you in. Cats are also very intelligent and manipulative at best, and will always do things even you tell them not to, just like a teenage rebel.

Cats also tend to disappear for days without notice, and first-time owners would also tend to panic, but they will soon realize that their cat has just taken their own "vacation." However, there are certain instances that you would think they disappeared again—but they are actually just hiding in plain sight!

We all know how cats come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes, they also take the color of their fur as an advantage. There are certain moments that cat owners were bamboozled by their own pets because they coincidentally hang out on or near things that make them blend with the background.

They are most definitely notorious in hiding, and they always prove that they are indeed best at it. There's even a Twitter page named "There is no cat in this image" with over 400k followers, and its content consists of cats that prove they are the masters of the game 'hide and seek'!

Just check out some of the best moments when cats used their power of camouflage to hide!

#1 Be careful—you might step on something!

#1 Be careful—you might step on something!Thereisnocat_

#2 Keep an eye out on the floor

#2 Keep an eye out on the floorThereisnocat_

#3 Do you see something?

#3 Do you see something?Thereisnocat_

#4 You don't see anything... at all

#4 You don't see anything... at allThereisnocat_

#5 Is this what you call 3D art?

#5 Is this what you call 3D art?Thereisnocat_

#6 Just casually blending in

#6 Just casually blending inThereisnocat_

#7 There is only one pet present here

#7 There is only one pet present hereThereisnocat_

#8 This is where you test your finding skills

#8 This is where you test your finding skillsThereisnocat_

#9 Blankets over blankets

#9 Blankets over blanketsThereisnocat_

#10 What outfit are you planning for today?

#10 What outfit are you planning for today?Thereisnocat_

#11 Is this some kind of coincidence or did the owners intentionally match their cats with their interior? LOL!

#11 Is this some kind of coincidence or did the owners intentionally match their cats with their interior? LOL!Thereisnocat_

#12 This one's really good at this game

#12 This one's really good at this gameThereisnocat_

#13 What great eyes you have!

#13 What great eyes you have!Thereisnocat_

#14 Where's the feline here?

#14 Where's the feline here?Thereisnocat_

#15 Look closer—he is so adorable!

#15 Look closer—he is so adorable!Thereisnocat_

#16 There is definitely no cat in here

#16 There is definitely no cat in hereThereisnocat_

#17 See something?

#17 See something?Thereisnocat_

#18 You're not seeing anything

#18 You're not seeing anythingThereisnocat_

#19 Just snacking in there

#19 Just snacking in thereThereisnocat_

#20 Spot the cutest thing here

#20 Spot the cutest thing hereThereisnocat_

#21 Hiding, hiding

#21 Hiding, hidingThereisnocat_

#22 Spooky staircase

#22 Spooky staircaseThereisnocat_

#23 Nothing, just a bump

#23 Nothing, just a bump Thereisnocat_

#24 Spot the cat

#24 Spot the catThereisnocat_

#25 Just pairs of shoes

#25 Just pairs of shoesThereisnocat_

#26 Sneaking a peek

#26 Sneaking a peekThereisnocat_

#27 Notice anything unusual?

#27 Notice anything unusual?Thereisnocat_

#28 Where is the adorable little one?

#28 Where is the adorable little one?Thereisnocat_

#29 Just hiding in plain sight...

#29 Just hiding in plain sight...Thereisnocat_

#30 This looks like something from Mystery P.I.—but first, find the cat!

#30 This looks like something from Mystery P.I.—but first, find the cat!Thereisnocat_

You sure had some difficulties finding the felines in these photos, didn't you? No worries, we found it hard to spot them, too!

Cats are one of the most clever animals out there and they are always prone to manipulating their owners into making them think they're the most innocent little things. Jokes on them, though, because cats are definitely more than just innocent-looking!

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