Cat Parents Wearing Their Cats As Hats

It's almost like our cats belong right there, on our heads

  • Published in Animals
Cat Parents Wearing Their Cats As Hats

Because we love our cats so much, sometimes we just start messing with them without any real reason just to be able to spend some quality time with them. They definitely hate it, but cats also hate most of the things this world has to offer, so it doesn't really count. 

Sometimes they play along for a short amount of time then they switch right back to survival mode and run away.

This time, these cat parents decided to turn their cats into hats (obviously not literally lol). Some of these kitties despised the whole concept but some others were completely indifferent to whatever was happening.

1. "Why is my hooman behaving like this, I don't get it"

1. SadAndUseless

2. Oh this one is pissed the hell off

2. Oh this one is pissed the hell offSadAndUseless

3. Is that Pikatchu?

3. Is that Pikatchu?SadAndUseless

4. Self warming Russian Hat

4. Self warming Russian HatSadAndUseless

5. Your hat looks disappointed

5. Your hat looks disappointedSadAndUseless

6. At least these cats are cooperating

6. At least these cats are cooperatingSadAndUseless

7. This cat is an absolute star!

7. This cat is an absolute star!SadAndUseless

8. She learned to enjoy it

8. She learned to enjoy itSadAndUseless

9. Long cat

9. Long catSadAndUseless

10. That is one beautiful kitty

10. That is one beautiful kittySadAndUseless

11. Perfection

11. PerfectionSadAndUseless


12. I AM THE BATMANSadAndUseless

13. The kitty's color matches with the beard

13. The kitty's color matches with the beardSadAndUseless

14. Now I want one too

14. Now I want one tooSadAndUseless