Cat Teefies That Are Purr-fectly Delightful

These hoomans cannot get enough of their little bitey boys and girls.

  • Published in Animals
Cat Teefies That Are Purr-fectly Delightful

It is purrfectly standard to obsess over every single detail and fact about your cats. Case in point? Cat-crazed humans are so obsessed with cat teeth that an entire subreddit has been dedicated to it.

It's called "teefies," because if you're going to dedicate an entire social community to your cat's pointy bits then a silly nickname that makes you giggle is the obvious choice. Cats are equally adorable and silly, anyway!

If you think the concept sounds ridiculous, then it might amaze you to know that nearly a quarter of a million Reddit users disagree with your scoffing. It's quite the popular cat-themed subreddit (and it's not to be confused with "toofers," which is for doggos.)

If you're still not convinced that cats deserve a popular subreddit dedicated to their chompers, check out the compelling cat evidence below.

1. "My New Kitten Fell Asleep On Her Back With Her Mouth Open"

Incoherent Happy Noises

1. MattmanBegins

2. "Not Sure If I Love His Teefies Or Freckle More"

Is both equally pawsible?

2. ThursdayAddams

3. "You Can Never Trust Another Person You Meet. You Couldn't Even Afford To Blink In A Crowd"

Bright eyed and bushy tailed, plus teefies.

3. Spam205

4. "I Think My Sink Is Messed Up, I Turned It On And This Came Out"

Seems like a good kind of messed up.

4. losersneverdie

5. "Happy Kitten"

Happy kitten, happy life.

5. lmoqua

6. "Up Close And Personal"

Just how we like it.

6. imjustadudeguy

7. "My Neighbours Cat, Rufus, Likes To Nap At My House, Teefies Out And All"

What a fantastic neighbor.

7. Dearestbrittany

8. "Brand New Teefies"


8. Noname_Maddox

9. "1 Megabite"

Tech support is hangry.

9. Branchler

10. "The Best Portrait"

I'm impressed.

10. elfie_gimli

11. "How You Milk The Venom From A Cat's Teeth"

With care and concern, of course.

11. PiercedViking

12. "Vicious Lion Snarls As He Shows His Massive Set Of Teefies To The Helpless Prey"

I'm very concerned.


13. "Anger Teefs"

More dangerous than silly teefs.

13. fartbox_fever

14. "Someone Said You Guys Might Like Milo"

Like Milo? We love Milo.

14. Myurnix

15. "I Choose This Pumpkin"

Truly, a wise choice.

15. xsited1

16. "My Wife Told Me To Post This"

Kudos to the smart wife.

16. DREW_BarryM00RE

17. "Sister Found This Lil Guy Under Her Porch"

This day shall be marked in history as purr-fect.

17. sharkmew

18. "Attack Teefies"

A once in a lifetime picture opportunity, surely.

18. landeisja

19. "Grooming Teefies"

So majestic.

19. Schlaffpaff

20. "Here’s My Gargoyle. He Had To Get The Majority Of His Teeth Removed At A Young Age, But He’s Still Handsome"

Not to be dramatic, but I'm obsessed with him.

20. blackcat0722

21. "It Looks Like He’s Saying “Cheeese”"

Who says he isn't?

21. bgrampp

22. "I Was Told My Little Vampire Belongs Here"

You were told correctly.

22. lionessheart_90

23. "Awww, Look At The Little Teeth"

Smol and satisfying.

23. digipedi

24. "Meeooooow"

Tell me more.

24. remixek

25. "Sparkle, Say Cheese"


25. bethostern

26. "Me: “Smile For The Camera”

Sure thing, boss.

26. Fluorenone

27. "Om Nom Nom"


27. errjelly

28. "Singular Toof"

One is better than none.

28. asherology

29. "Caught Him Smirking"

Blessed Image.

29. meowskanka

30. "Box Destroying Teefies"

The best kind of teefies.

30. Chumonk61580

31. "Mr. Monty Just Can’t Control His Teef"

Thank goodness.

31. savannah0719

32. "When You Like Someone And Don't Know How To Act"


32. Postize

33. "She's Very Proud Of Her Remaining Two Teeth"

I don't blame her, I'm proud just looking at her.

33. Bmartens34

34. "Training Him For Halloween"

He's doing amazing.

34. zoexvx

35. "Vicious Attack"

So vicious.

35. teefies

36. "No, You Smile Karen"

Cone of shame.

36. ohnotypoes

37. "Smile For The Camera"


37. icant-chooseone

38. "Vampire Cat"


38. jyomaki

39. "Mr. Grinny McTeethy"

Just how I likes 'em.

39. siegeaye

40. "In The Midnight Hour, He Cried More, More More"

With a rebel yell, he cried, "FEED ME MEOW"

40. tonkittykatsu