Stubborn Cat Keeps Rejecting Owner's Cuddles And The Adorable Moment Caught On Cam Went Viral

Cats are truly stubborn little creatures, and this one is the perfect example of it.

  • Published in Animals
Stubborn Cat Keeps Rejecting Owner's Cuddles And The Adorable Moment Caught On Cam Went Viral

Cats are always picky when it comes to the humans they want to get attention from, and most of the time, humans are the ones who have to chase them so that they would allow them to give cuddles and attention. The thing about cats is that they rarely beg and will mostly do passive-aggressive actions to indicate that they want something.

They are very hard to resist, and even dog-lovers can attest to that. With their beautiful and graceful features on their chunky little bodies, it's no surprise that people fall easily in love with these stubborn felines.

Everything about them seems to just beg to be touched, and their fluff always adds layers of charisma, even with their scary stares and stoic expressions. Cats are definitely one of the most wonderful creatures out there, and giving them attention is not difficult at all because of their appearance and personalities.

However, even if they may constantly be the center of attention, they still choose whether or not to reciprocate the energy back to humans. Sometimes, they won't even reciprocate the attention back to their owners, but it doesn't make them love their pet any less because, well, they are just built that way!

A perfect example of this is Muji, a four-year-old cat from Japan. He's definitely one of the cutest and loveliest cats you would ever see, but don't mistake his welcoming features because he likes to take his alone time more seriously—and he truly knows how to show it.

When Muji was captured refusing his owner's cuddles, the photos went viral since a lot of cat owners found it funny and relatable. Check out Muji's story below!

Meet Muji, the four-year-old tsundere cat from Japan.

"Tsundere” means “a stock love interest who is usually stern, cold, and sometimes hostile to the person they like and others. They will occasionally let slip their warm and loving feelings hidden inside. They hide their feelings due to being shy, nervous, insecure, or simply unable to help acting badly in front of their crush."

The term also refers to an "outwardly violent character who ‘runs hot and cold,’ alternating between two distinct moods: ‘tsuntsun’ meaning ‘aloof or irritable’, and ‘deredere’ meaning ‘lovey-dovey.'”

Meet Muji, the four-year-old tsundere cat from Japan.muuuuuuji

This moment when his owner was trying to cuddle with him went viral on the Internet.

This moment when his owner was trying to cuddle with him went viral on the Internet. muuuuuuji

Muji was just chilling on the counter when his owner approached him to cuddle.

Muji was just chilling on the counter when his owner approached him to cuddle.muuuuuuji

Just look at that face!

Just look at that face!muuuuuuji

However, Muji still seems reluctant.

However, Muji still seems reluctant. muuuuuuji

Squishy chonk.

Squishy chonk.muuuuuuji

He's keeping his eyes down.

"Just let this end, already."

He's keeping his eyes down.muuuuuuji

He looks like he is so done and wants to get out as soon as he can.

He looks like he is so done and wants to get out as soon as he can.muuuuuuji


Just look at his owner's bow of defeat.


He's really determined to let go.

He's really determined to let go.muuuuuuji

Maybe Muji was just in a bad mood that time. To make up for it, here's a photo of them with Muji actually cooperating.

Maybe Muji was just in a bad mood that time. To make up for it, here's a photo of them with Muji actually cooperating.muuuuuuji



He's even allowing his owner to kiss him.

He's even allowing his owner to kiss him.muuuuuuji

He still looks so done, though!

He still looks so done, though!muuuuuuji

But adorably so.

But adorably so.muuuuuuji

Muji's not alone, he has a sibling named Makji, a ginger cat.

Muji's not alone, he has a sibling named Makji, a ginger cat.muuuuuuji

Makji also gets on Muji's nerves.

Makji also gets on Muji's nerves.muuuuuuji

Sensing his presence...

Sensing his presence...muuuuuuji



"I'm out of here."


Despite all these behaviors though, Muji still has a side that wants affection from time to time.

Despite all these behaviors though, Muji still has a side that wants affection from time to time.muuuuuuji

However, he prefers solicited cuddles, and would rather want to ask than be bombarded with snuggles without prior notice.

However, he prefers solicited cuddles, and would rather want to ask than be bombarded with snuggles without prior notice. muuuuuuji



He is so adorable.

He is so adorable.muuuuuuji



A closer look to this special moment.

A closer look to this special moment. muuuuuuji

He looks like the boss of a game's final level.

He looks like the boss of a game's final level.muuuuuuji

Do not disturb!

Do not disturb!muuuuuuji

Cats are indeed special creatures who require a lot of care and attention, but only if they tell you to. That's just how it is, cats like to rule their own world!

Do you have a cat at home that does the same thing? Comment down your thoughts or share Muji's story for all your family and friends to see!
