20 Cats Who Have Zero Idea What Personal Space Means
Personal space? What personal space? I'm standing an inch away from your face.
- Published in Animals
It is common to hear people talk about how cats can sometimes be cold and aloof. Some people may even argue that the only reason cats hang out with humans is because they realize we can feed them on a regular basis and shelter them.
Usually, many of these comments often come from people who are not even cat parents. It is true that cats do not need their human parents to feel secure and safe in the same way other pets, such as dogs, do.
However, they are far more affectionate than people give them credit for. Our feline friends often act like they are cool, being on their own all the time, but when you consider how they spend so much of their time glued to our faces, you realize that deep down in their hearts; they want us.
While cats may seem quite independent, it is usually not a good idea to leave them to their devices for too long. Cats can get bored and sleep far too much if there is no proper stimulation.
If you're a cat parent, you can relate to some of these goofy, adorable examples of cats disregarding personal space to get their human parent's attention.
1. We're all in this together. Even if you don't need us.
Reddit2. What are you reading? There's nothing more interesting than me.
tomecat3. You're not supposed to go to the bathroom without me.
Reddit4. What's going on here?
Reddit5. Your face is my pillow, human.
Tumblr6. You can't be doing anything without me.
Reddit7. We must hang together! I'm just silently going to judge you, nothing personal.
Reddit8. Let's spend some quality time together, even if I hate water.
Reddit9. Are you still too busy to hang out? We'll ask again in three seconds.
Reddit10. Do you need some privacy?
Reddit11. I want a belly rub now! I demands it.
Reddit12. Don't worry, I'm here to help.
Reddit13. Here, let me watch you while I occupy your laptop.
Imgur14. You'll never go alone.
Reddit15. So you have time to pee but not to play with us? Not cool, human.
Instagram16. I'm ready for the road trip.
Reddit17. Would you rather study or play with me?
18. Look me in the eyes and tell me what you feel.
Imgur19. Why do you stare at a lifeless thing when I'm here?
Imgur20. I'll just wait here till you're done.
In Summary...
Cats are arguably the best pets you can get. They are sweet, quiet, and independent.
There are so many reasons why you should get a cat to fill your home with love.
Considering how busy the world has gotten today, their ability to fend for themselves, for the most part, makes them a perfect companion for almost anyone, especially those who do not have much time or energy to cater to a demanding pet.
Thankfully, our feline furbabies have their way of reminding us that they can use a little bit of our attention. In most cases, cats may start exhibiting unwanted behaviors after spending much time alone.
For instance, cats suffering from boredom may repeatedly lick themselves, pull out their fur, or bite their skin. It is usually best to interact with your cat whenever you are free.
You should also have something to keep them busy when you're unavailable.