Adorable Cats Proudly Pose For Photos With Their Celebrity Parents

These celebs are proudly displaying their love for cats

  • Published in Animals
Adorable Cats Proudly Pose For Photos With Their Celebrity Parents

Cat lovers come in all shapes and sizes, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social status. When it comes to the cat life, people just love kittens, kitties, and cats!

We can't really blame them because cats are just the best. When you're a cat person, discovering that one of your favorite celebs is also into cats is a great feeling.

We like to connect with our favorite celebrities and being able to connect over cats is just the best! Especially when you can almost tell that they're as crazy about cats as you are.

A lot of celebrities are proud cat owners and they make sure to let everyone know that they are by sharing pictures of them having some quality times with their cats. There's a reason we call our cats fur babies, and these super stars know it.

Scroll down and check these dynamic celebrity-cat duos out!

1. Jenna Fischer and her adorable cats, a tuxedo cat and a ginger cat!

1. Jenna Fischer and her adorable cats, a tuxedo cat and a ginger cat!msjennafischer

2. Mandy Moore

2. Mandy Mooremandymooremm

3. Ian Somerhalder

3. Ian Somerhalderiansomerhalder

4. Martha Stewart has a fluffy cat she adores. Four fluffy cats, actually.

4. Martha Stewart has a fluffy cat she adores. Four fluffy cats, actually.marthastewart48

5. Gigi Hadid shares pictures of her kitten growing into a cat.

5. Gigi Hadid shares pictures of her kitten growing into a cat.therealcleohadid

6. Salma Hayek

6. Salma Hayekyourcatwasdelicious

7. Katy Perry

7. Katy Perrykatyperry

8. Alexander Vlahos and his cat compete for prettiest eyes.

8. Alexander Vlahos and his cat compete for prettiest eyes.alexvlahosofficial

9. Nicole Kidman

9. Nicole Kidmannicolekidman

10. Hideo Kojima

10. Hideo Kojimahideo_kojima

11. Jay Baruchel is being judged by his black kitten.

11. Jay Baruchel is being judged by his black kitten.jonathanadamsaundersbaruchel

12. Russell Brand

12. Russell Brandrussellbrand

13. Macklemore

13. Macklemorecairothekat

14. Alison Brie

14. Alison BrieAlison Brie

15. Robert Downey Jr. What do you think Iron Man named his cat?

15. Robert Downey Jr. What do you think Iron Man named his cat?robertdowneyjr

16. Hayley Bieber

16. Hayley Bieberkittysushiandtuna

17. Ricky Gervais

17. Ricky Gervaisrickygervais

18. Taylor Swift is a bonafide cat lady.

18. Taylor Swift is a bonafide cat lady.taylorswift

19. Peyton Clark

19. Peyton Clarkpeytonpclark

20. Drew Barrymore

20. Drew Barrymoredrewbarrymore

21. Keegan Allen

21. Keegan Allentynthecat

22. Ellie Goulding

22. Ellie Gouldingelliegoulding

23. Kesha

23. Keshaiiswhoiis

24. Kat Denning

24. Kat Denningkatdenningsss

25. Ed Sheeran is notorious for his affection for cats.

25. Ed Sheeran is notorious for his affection for cats.teddysphotos

26. James Franco

26. James Francoofficialjamesfrancoo

27. Gilles Marini

27. Gilles MariniGillesMarini

28. Isla Fisher

28. Isla Fisherislafisher

29. Dita Von Teese

29. Dita Von Teeseditavonteese

30. Mayim Bialik

30. Mayim Bialikmissmayim