Guy Wants To Break Up With Girlfriend To Save His Cat's Mental Health
" She started yanking him out of his carrier so often that he's afraid to go in there now."

It is all too sweet to live together with the love of your life. But what if things go wrong along the way?
In the duration of your relationship, you discover that both of you are not really compatible after even being in a relationship for many years. They say that you will really get to know each other when you live together because your true colors will be revealed.
What else? Pets.
These living creatures will be a factor in showing your real attitude when you take care of them. This is the story of Reddit user @u/kitty_kitty-throw him and his girlfriend of 4 years (live-in partner for 3 years).
People say that ignorance is bliss, but when it comes to a relationship, it is kind of a burden in the long run. Sure, love will surely follow if your heart is pure, but communication is key to relationships.
When one would not try to make the effort of listening, how will the other party feel heard? We all deserve the kind of relationship that will make us feel heard, there’s communication, there’s the processing of things, and most especially a healthy one.
In one way or another, we need to remove the toxic things in our lives. So, the OP is in need of help.
Let's get into the story...

It’s not easy giving replacing a beloved pet, but we appreciate the heart of this couple who welcomed a cat who needs a home.

Though we truly understand what she has been through from losing her 17-year-old cat who died from cancer, but this new cat she brought in clearly is not on the same page as her. Was she reading the “page” at all?

Having second thoughts now, are we? Told you living together plus pets will really show the other side of the coin.

Who wouldn’t think of considering a breakup?

Let’s see what people think. Who’s the AH?
We think it’s a good thing the cat was brought in, who knows what more situation you’ll experience if not for this?

This was a precaution from the moment that cat meowed “no” to her.

Sorry, but your girlfriend might be a walking red flag.

This is what we are all saying, OP! We are sure she did not mean any harm, but her attitude and the way she responded to his boyfriend, and how she treated the cat?

Animals have feelings too!

If this was a test, she’ll get F as in #failed.

The OP communicated properly and his girlfriend just ignored him every time. You clearly need that break, OP, and yes, for your mental health.

If they won’t do it together with this cat, how will they properly take care of their future kids TOGETHER?

Here's a personal experience from the commenter:

You can't bully them into liking you.


Now we know she isn’t going to be good with kids.

Hmm… there’s a point.

Interesting take!

True, one side of the story is told here. But at least we all know you both aren’t compatible.

Yeah, no one could be the AH.

Maybe the cat's the AH. Oops!

Bottom line: don't force cats to like you or else...

When we learn a bad character from our partners out of a situation that makes us uncomfortable, sometimes it doesn’t mean someone has to be the AH. It could just mean that after all the years of being together, you’ll finally realize that you were not meant to be for each other.
It’s a sad story, but hey, life will make us realize what really needs to stay for us for a lifetime.
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