Cat Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud (16 Pictures)

If you need some laughs today, these cat memes will deliver the goods.

  • Published in Animals
Cat Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud (16 Pictures)

If you can, try to picture a world without cats. Could you visualize it?

There wouldn't be any cat vids to enjoy on YouTube, dogs wouldn't have anything to be afraid of and would consequently become outrageously arrogant, and people wouldn't have someone to puke in their slippers and scratch their faces off in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It's kind of a scary thought, yes?

Fortunately for us, cats do exist, and as a result, the world is a much funnier place. The sharing and meme cultures of the internet are ideal for cats.

Or is it the other way around? It's not surprising that cats appeared in some of the earliest internet memes given their enormous personalities and endearing behaviors.

There are tons of timeless cat "moments" on the Internet, from the heartwarming to the hilarious to the dark side of every sweet little kitten. Fortunately for animal lovers, cat owners aren't afraid to make fun of their feline companions.

And that results in countless numbers of catchy memes. Here are a few that will definitely make you laugh.

Take a look, your cat won't be angry with you. Just don't tell it, just in case...

Thievery breaks hearts...

Thievery breaks hearts...mintyton

That's the only way to do it...

That's the only way to do it...ObsessedWithAnimals

I feel for you....

I feel for you....ObsessedWithAnimals

Give me my food, human!

Give me my food, human!ObsessedWithAnimals

Hey, they take their obligations seriously...

Hey, they take their obligations seriously...ObsessedWithAnimals

I hate stupid walking...

I hate stupid walking...ObsessedWithAnimals

The cat has spoken...

The cat has spoken...ObsessedWithAnimals

It is so obvious...

It is so obvious...ObsessedWithAnimals

Patches has a home, but he is freeloading in several more...

Patches has a home, but he is freeloading in several more...ObsessedWithAnimals

Why do cats act so weird?

Dr. Tony Buffington, a veterinarian and a cat behavior specialist, says that "cats today retain many of the same instincts that allowed them to thrive in the wild for millions of years.
This explains some of their seemingly strange behaviors: To them, our homes are their jungles," he explains.
"Enabled by their unique muscular structure and keen balancing abilities, cats climbed to high vantage points to survey their territory and spot prey in the wild. A cat doesn't need these particular skills to find and hunt down dinner in her food bowl today, but, instinctually, viewing the living room from the top of the bookcase is exactly what she's evolved to do."

And why do they like playing with small objects?

Well, according to Dr. Buffinton, "As wild predators, cats are opportunistic and hunt whenever prey is available. Since most cat prey is small, cats in the wild need to eat many times each day and use a stalk-pounce-kill-eat strategy to stay fed.
This is why a cat prefers to chase and pounce on little toys, and eats small meals over the course of the day and night."

Should I step in?

Should I step in?@catsdoingthings

Just call me Meteor...

Just call me Meteor...ObsessedWithAnimals

Singing from the top of my lungs...

Singing from the top of my lungs...ObsessedWithAnimals

The last one is mine. That's the rule...

The last one is mine. That's the rule...theluars

Now, why would you want to do that?

Now, why would you want to do that?ObsessedWithAnimals

Yup, sounds like he has his career all planned out...

Yup, sounds like he has his career all planned out...ObsessedWithAnimals

Please, don't...

Please, don't...ObsessedWithAnimals

Yes, cats are odd, but that's part of their charm. No one else can make you feel like they can.

Their actions will leave you speechless, and you will constantly wonder if they really like you. Yes, they do.

But you have to be really observant to see it. If you blink, you might miss it.
