Silly Cat Is Totally Convinced This Spot On The Floor Is A Magical Dispenser Of Food

Silly kitty.

  • Published in Animals
Silly Cat Is Totally Convinced This Spot On The Floor Is A Magical Dispenser Of Food

Scientifically speaking, we are pretty sure that cats are actually quite smart! "Testing animal cognition is a tricky business," reported Smithsonian Magazine, but also retorting that cats are smart they just don't care.

Okay, so that's something most of us who have ever lived with even a single cat pretty much have always known! What does that have to do with today's fascinating feline? Well, learning more about her daily routine may have you questioning if she's very smart or just... not.

I mean, she's adorable and hilarious but her obsession with a particular spot in her family's kitchen has us all a bit puzzled as much as we are entertained.

This ordinary-looking area of an ordinary-looking floor is special, at least as far as Olivia is concerned.

This ordinary-looking area of an ordinary-looking floor is special, at least as far as Olivia is concerned.Melissa Peña

She's a tad on the chonky side, but she's precious and purr-fect in every way. She's also obsessed with a single tile on the kitchen floor. "Why," you ask? We'll tell you why.

She's a tad on the chonky side, but she's precious and purr-fect in every way. She's also obsessed with a single tile on the kitchen floor. Melissa Peña

Over a year ago, Olivia's mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen, an ordinary, daily task like many others that humans do. Except that particular night, Melissa Peña allowed a single piece of chicken to fall to the floor!

From the counter to the floor, the small chunk of chicken fell to it's doom. As often can occur on a busy weeknight, Peña ignored the fallen piece of poultry to finish her task first.

Which, of course, is when Olivia strolled in. What cat wouldn't delight in a piece of fresh meat? Olivia wasn't going to let it go to waste, she chowed down with enthusiasm immediately.

Over a year ago, Olivia's mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen, an ordinary, daily task like many others that humans do. Except that particular night, Melissa Peña allowed a single piece of chicken to fall to the floor!Melissa Peña

Apparently, for sweet 'ol Olivia, this delicious mystery meat must have appeared out of thin air, gifted from the very tile it was sitting on when she discovered it.

Apparently, Olivia must have deduced that if the delectable snack could appear once, it could appear again. Melissa told The Dodo:

"Every day for a week, she would walk in and sniff the chicken spot. Every time. Several times a day. We thought it was hilarious."

Apparently, for sweet 'ol Olivia, this delicious mystery meat must have appeared out of thin air, gifted from the very tile it was sitting on when she discovered it.Melissa Peña

We're sure Olivia wasn't researching it in her spare time, but her family was definitely keeping an eye on the daily hysterics and they decided to intervene.

One day when Olivia was in another room, they placed another meat morsel on her precious tile spot and waited for her to discover the treat.

We're sure Olivia wasn't researching it in her spare time, but her family was definitely keeping an eye on the daily hysterics and they decided to intervene.Tenor

It would appear that upon discovery of another delicious treat, Olivia's suspicions were confirmed that her tile was a magical meat delivery system and she had no reason to ever give up on her hopes that a daily drop of meat might appear.

Cats are smart, but it would seem that either Olivia has trained her humans, or she has no idea that they're intentionally providing the occasional meat snack. Either way, her family has said that Olivia seems visibly delighted, if not fully thrilled, to discover the occasional surprise snack and her family loves her so much that they think it's great to keep the dream going.

It would appear that upon discovery of another delicious treat, Olivia's suspicions were confirmed that her tile was a magical meat delivery system and she had no reason to ever give up on her hopes that a daily drop of meat might appear.Melissa Peña

Melissa said:

"We love that it makes her happy! She’s very loved and, honestly, watching her reaction is so fun! We all enjoy watching her excitement. We don’t do it too often. We don’t want to lose the magic."
