Man Demands From Girlfriend To Litterbox Train Her Cat Who Uses The Toilet Or He Would Leave, GF Refuses

"I see no point doing it since the toilet is much more hygienic"

Man Demands From Girlfriend To Litterbox Train Her Cat Who Uses The Toilet Or He Would Leave, GF Refuses

Cats are incredibly intelligent creatures that can be taught to accomplish a variety of tasks. Additionally, you can train your cat to use the bathroom instead of the litter box.

Yes, we know that litter boxes are essential for your cat's everyday needs. Due to the fact that cats can be highly particular about their toileting habits, they require a suitable area where they can relieve themselves.

The advantages of teaching a cat to use the toilet are numerous, as it reduces your workload while getting rid of litter box odors. You could save yourself the unpleasant task of cleaning your cat's litter box if she did her business on the toilet and flushed it just like the cat in today’s story.

In actuality, you wouldn't need to set aside a specific area of your home for a litter box. Even the initial expense of purchasing the litter would be saved. 

The OP mentioned in a story posted on the AITA subreddit page that his cat is trained to use the toilet and has been doing so for 6 years. This was until the OP’s boyfriend packed in and he totally disliked the idea of the cat using the toilet.

He told the OP to litter train her car, which she refused, so go ahead and read the entire story below. 

This Redditor doesn't want to change her cat's habits to make her boyfriend happy

This Redditor doesn't want to change her cat's habits to make her boyfriend happyu/tvchmny

Here is the adorable cat owned by the OP

Here is the adorable cat owned by the OPu/tvchmny

I have two bathrooms in my flat and the cat uses the guest one

I have two bathrooms in my flat and the cat uses the guest oneu/tvchmny

We had a huge fight because the cat didn’t flush it’s poo

We had a huge fight because the cat didn’t flush it’s poou/tvchmny

An added info by the OP

An added info by the OPReddit

Redditors trooped in to drop their comments while some congratulated the OP for being able to train her cat to use the toilet. Here are some of their comments below.

You should consider rehoming him

You should consider rehoming himReddit

The OP loves this comment and you might too

The OP loves this comment and you might tooReddit

She got her litter box put back where she liked it

She got her litter box put back where she liked itReddit

Couple moving in together and quarrelling over a cat that didn't flush

Couple moving in together and quarrelling over a cat that didn't flushReddit

He will obviously stop using the disgusting toilet

He will obviously stop using the disgusting toiletReddit

The OP feels the cat knew the boyfriend was around and wanted to annoy him

The OP feels the cat knew the boyfriend was around and wanted to annoy himReddit

The cat figured out how to flush all by himself

The cat figured out how to flush all by himselfReddit

I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face at this

I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face at thisReddit

The cat knows that he forgot to flush his poo

The cat knows that he forgot to flush his pooReddit

The OP's boyfriend forgets to put the seat up

The OP's boyfriend forgets to put the seat upReddit

BF can go take a long walk off a short pier

BF can go take a long walk off a short pierReddit

There are all types of devices

There are all types of devicesReddit

He has no idea how awesome you and your cat are

He has no idea how awesome you and your cat areReddit

He can leave if he can't live with a cat who uses a toilet

He can leave if he can't live with a cat who uses a toiletReddit

This might be the answer for the declawed kitty

This might be the answer for the declawed kittyReddit

The fight gets even funnier with the OP's boyfriend's Welsh accent

The fight gets even funnier with the OP's boyfriend's Welsh accentReddit

The boyfriend should shut up and get over himself

The boyfriend should shut up and get over himselfReddit

This Redditor wishes the cats will use the toilet instead of the litter box

This Redditor wishes the cats will use the toilet instead of the litter boxReddit

You literally trained your cat to use the toilet

You literally trained your cat to use the toiletReddit

You've got a good thing going with your cat

You've got a good thing going with your catReddit

Well, this was an interesting story. Even among cat lovers, cats aren't always the easiest animals to take care of.

Litter-training a cat requires persistence, knowledge, and time, but teaching a cat to use a toilet instead of a litter box is straightforward. Cat toilet training advocates point out that there will be less trash and litter if your pet uses the toilet.
