Cat Owners Share Some Absolutely Hilarious Experiences Of Their Cat Kneads Becoming A Little Too X-Rated
These cat owners are sharing some crazy and hilarious details about their furry friends in knead mode.
- Published in Animals
If you're a cat owner, chances are you know what kneading is all about. When cats become content and happy, they often knead on their owners and cat lovers often refer to it as "making biscuits."
They do this by pushing both of their paws into the person's body in a rhythmic motion that resembles - well, how one might knead dough to make bread or pasta.... or biscuits.
It's an adorable gesture and one that owners will gladly deal with. However, it turns out this cute little gesture can sometimes cross the line from 'adorable' to something a bit more awkward than we'd like.
In a Reddit post that has since gone viral, several cat owners have come forward to share some of their most awkward moments as a result of this feline kneading. With some stories now getting thousands of upvotes, it's clear that these experiences are too hilarious to ignore.
Each story is a little different, but one thing is the same: they're all awkward. It's something that owners can't help but giggle at as their cat performs this strange ritual.
We've rounded up a few of the best kitty kneading stories from Reddit users below. These are bound to make you laugh and cringe a little, but hey - it's the fun kind of cringe.
1. A Redditor started a conversation, stating how awkward kneading can get sometimes
u/TittyVonBoobensteinKneading is a common behavior in kittens especially, and adult cats are also known to exhibit this trait. This is done by flexing and relaxing their front paws rhythmically against a soft surface, with the claws retracted.
Cat owners often describe it as if they are "making biscuits" on their human's lap or stomach. It has also been interpreted as the cat has a need to "burp out the air" after eating, although recent studies suggest instead that the actual process of kneading releases endorphins in a cat's brain, contributing to their feeling of well-being.
The action is often accompanied by purring and commonly occurs when a cat is happy or content. Interestingly, kneading is not common in wild cats, and it is thought the behavior only developed once cats began living with humans.
The kneading action seems to be a form of communication or simply an expression of satisfaction. As such, if your cat is kneading you, they are most likely very content at that moment in time.
The short stories that follow show how cats will sometimes take this gesture a little too far. It's all in good fun, though - just an odd and funny experience to have with your pet cat.
2. It didn't take long for the post to start attracting attention, with several cat owners sharing their hilarious kneading experiences
u/speedycat20143. Try not to all your mind to become corrupted
u/INTERNETFIIIIIGHT4. Seems not many cat owners take kneading lightly
u/KarlaTheWitch5. Wait...what!
u/TittyVonBoobenstein6. She always liked to wait till visitors came around
u/wwaxwork7. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there is a lot wrong with that."
u/1Os8. A toy kicker could do the trick
u/sharkdog739. Naughty kitty
u/mohajaf10. "The good news is, your cat thinks you're hot."
u/babyunagi11. This cat doesn't understand why his human is making such a fuss
u/Broken_Snail_Shell12. "Shame is a trait completely unique to the human specie."
u/SleepyConscience13. Interesting question that needs more insight
u/peanutbutterpandapuf14. Any expert available?
u/wendys18225487715. Too much knowledge
u/iFailedTheBotTest16. "Power move"
Via Reddit17. This cat needs to be checked
u/bettawitch18. Getting furry slippers might put you in trouble with this cat
u/mourning_star8519. Cat and blanket
u/Patch0uliprincess20. Neutering/spaying your cat can significantly reduce kneading behavior
via RedditFor those who aren't fans of kneading, unfortunately, this is a natural cat behavior that you can't change. However, there are things you can do to make your experience more comfortable - such as clipping their nails, covering your lap with a blanket, or, you can neuter/spay your cat to reduce kneading behavior.
And if all else fails, just have a good time laughing about dirty biscuits.