Playful Cat Visits Woman In Her Garage, And Now She Comes To Visit Her All The Time

Is this how you get a cat?

  • Published in Animals
Playful Cat Visits Woman In Her Garage, And Now She Comes To Visit Her All The Time

Charity Hendey was in her kitchen when she unexpectedly heard a weak meow, and that was strange because she doesn’t have a cat.I know, it's hard to imagine life without a cat, right, but some people live every day without a cat.

Hendey tried to find out where the sound was coming from, but couldn’t find any cat, so she forgot about it and continued finishing her choirs. After some time, she went into a garage, and she finally discovered where the sound was coming from.

Somehow, a stray cat found her way into her garage and made herself quite comfortable. What's sweeter than a playful, cuddly kitty visiting you?

“I sat down, and she ran up onto my lap and was so loving,” Hendey says. She spent the next few hours with the cat in the garage, and it was apparent that the cat decided to move in with her. 

Charity Hendey

She likes playing in the car …

She likes playing in the car …Charity Hendey

… and in her boat, and looked thrilled with the new play space.

… and in her boat, and looked thrilled with the new play space.Charity Hendey

After a while, the cat disappeared, but a couple of days later, Hendey discovered the cat in the garage again and had a feeling that it was not accidental at all. 

“She loves to explore,” Hendey says. “Playing in the boat and using the carpet on the floor as a scratching post. She explored my car since my window was down.”

Charity Hendey

Henday was interested in finding out the cat’s origin, so after some investigating, she found out that the cat actually belongs to one of her neighbors. She also found out that the cat is quite an adventurer and loves to explore the surroundings. Well, one of her favorite places was definitely Hendey’s garage.

Charity Hendey

Hendey is very happy that the cat has a home and loving family but still expects to see her in her garage frequently. 

“I’m sure she will be a frequent visitor since she knows she gets cuddles over here and she gets to explore more,” Hendey says.
