Owner Is Mortified After Noticing Her Chonky Kitty's New 'Sanitary' Haircut

Chonky Peaches recently got a new haircut at the local vet because of "sanitary reasons" and couldn't deal

  • Published in Animals
Owner Is Mortified After Noticing Her Chonky Kitty's New 'Sanitary' Haircut

This is Peaches, a very chunky cat with a larger-than-life personality.

You know the saying “there’s more to her than meets the eye”? Yeah, that can’t be said about her, at least not lately. Peaches were adopted from a shelter a couple of years ago by Chrissy Higginson Barnabei’s senior in-laws.

They love her very much, and evidently, they tend to show their love through excessive feeding also. Her waistline is the best proof of that.

And with those additional pounds came an unexpected problem. She couldn’t clean herself properly anymore, because now there were a few key spots that Peaches couldn’t reach.

Chrissy Higginson Barnabei
Chrissy Higginson Barnabei

In time, circumstances changed, and Peaches needed a new home, and fortunately, Barnabei's own family took her in. They understood that, in order to have a good life, she'd need to lose some weight.

"Since then, she's been on diet food and a strict feeding schedule," Barnabei says. "[But] unfortunately, because of Peaches' size, she has trouble cleaning herself."

Peaches was uneasy being so unsanitary, and therefore less willing to get the workout she needed. But, with just a couple of well-placed snips - that changed.

Chrissy Higginson Barnabei

During the latest checkup, Peaches' vet suggested a "sanitary cut" to get rid of the fur around the cat's inaccessible rear end. Barnabei said yes, not fully realizing just what that implies.

Chrissy Higginson Barnabei

It wasn't exactly what Barnabei expected.

"I burst out laughing once I saw her big pink booty," she told. "I was pretty shocked but couldn't help but laugh."

And, was Peaches ashamed by the sudden "exposure" to the world? No, not really.

Chrissy Higginson Barnabei

 "She's totally owning her new look. She is such a diva," Barnabei says. "It has helped her tremendously. She no longer has issues or discomfort. I thought that she would be cold, but she's totally fine."

Barnabei shared some pictures of her cat's new look online, hoping this might help other cats with similar hygiene issues. The post went viral quickly, with many commenters appreciating the advice. Others were simply amused:

"Peaches is thicc," one wrote.

"I can't stop looking and laughing!" another added.

"This should be an art exhibit," a third wrote.

Chrissy Higginson Barnabei

Peaches became a star, but that is not of much importance — her new hairstyle made her more active, and she will burn more calories.

"Once she loses a few pounds, she'll be able to reach, and then no more sanitary cuts for her," Barnabei said. "Though it is pretty funny to see her pink butt flash by all the time."
