The Heart-Wrenching Tale Of Hidey, The Neglected Cat Freed From 4 Pounds Of Fur

The poor cat has likely been abandoned for up to two years

The Heart-Wrenching Tale Of Hidey, The Neglected Cat Freed From 4 Pounds Of Fur

In the world of pets, cats are often seen as independent creatures, capable of taking care of themselves. They're known for their outdoor adventures, returning home primarily for food and a little grooming.

This self-sufficiency is what makes them a popular choice for pet owners seeking low-maintenance companions. However, there's a crucial aspect of cat care that should not be overlooked, especially for certain breeds with unique grooming needs.

Neglecting their fur can lead to dire consequences, as demonstrated by the heart-wrenching story of Hidey the cat.

Hidey's story began when a concerned relative, Paul Russell, went to check on an elderly family member's cat. Little did he know that he would stumble upon a shocking sight that would stay with him forever.

What he initially thought was a cat concealed under a blanket turned out to be Hidey, a 14-year-old feline who had been suffering in silence. Her fur had become so matted and tangled that she resembled a creature from a sci-fi movie, akin to the film "Alien."

The neglect Hidey endured was heartbreaking. She had likely been abandoned for up to two years, leading to the formation of dreadlocks of fur that measured 6 to 8 inches in length. The mats had become so severe that she could no longer groom herself properly, leaving her in discomfort and misery.

Fortunately, Hidey's story took a positive turn when an animal-loving couple from Churchill, Pennsylvania, took both Hidey and her elderly owner's other cat into their care. They recognized the urgent need for medical attention and arranged an appointment at the Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center in Pittsburgh. There, the staff worked diligently to eliminate the tangled mess of fur that had accumulated on Hidey's body over the years.

Hidey's rescue shed light on the importance of monitoring the well-being of elderly individuals and their pets. In this case, her previous owner had Alzheimer's disease and was no longer aware of her surroundings, leaving Hidey to suffer silently. Dan Rossi, CEO of the Animal Rescue League Shelter, emphasized that while the companionship of a pet can bring many benefits to the elderly, it also comes with significant responsibilities.

He encouraged friends, family members, and neighbors to ensure a support system is in place if an elderly pet owner's mental faculties begin to diminish. Hidey's transformation was remarkable.

To ensure her comfort during the grooming procedure, she was sedated, and the medical team carefully shaved off the pounds of intertwined fur from her body. The results were nothing short of astonishing, as Hidey emerged from her ordeal feeling immensely better.

After being freed from the burden of her matted fur, Hidey found a new home with a relative of her owner, where she could finally enjoy the care and attention she deserved. Hidey's second chance at a happy and healthy life is a testament to the compassion and dedication of those who stepped in to help her in her time of need.

He thought the cat was hidden under the blanket

He thought the cat was hidden under the blanketAnimal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center

Dreadlocks that measured up to 6 to 8 inches in length.

Dreadlocks that measured up to 6 to 8 inches in length.Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center

Dr. Yaelen Levitzki, a veterinarian who played a role in helping Hidey get rid of her tangled fur, said: “I’ve never seen such extensive matting in a cat. Her fur had formed into dreadlocks.”

Dr. Yaelen Levitzki, a veterinarian who played a role in helping Hidey get rid of her tangled fur, said: “I’ve never seen such extensive matting in a cat. Her fur had formed into dreadlocks.”Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center

Hidey was given medication to make her drowsy

Hidey was given medication to make her drowsyWestern PA Humane Society

After its dangling fur was removed, the cat was transferred to a relative of its owner.

After its dangling fur was removed, the cat was transferred to a relative of its owner.Western PA Humane Society

Hidey's story is both heartwarming and makes us think. It's heartwarming to see her rescued and given a second chance at a good life.

But it also reminds us that having a pet is a big responsibility. Pets, especially when they're old, depend on their owners to take care of them.

When owners can't do that anymore, it's up to family, friends, and neighbors to help out and make sure the pets are loved and looked after.
