12 Wholesome Stories Of Cat Parents Meeting Their Cats For The First Time

A huge dose of adorable feline companionship to make your day.

  • Published in Animals
12 Wholesome Stories Of Cat Parents Meeting Their Cats For The First Time

For cat owners, there’s nothing as exciting as the first time they meet their kitty. They know from that moment that their lives will never be the same because cats fill them with so much joy.

It doesn’t matter how often you adopt a cat; it’s a unique experience every time. That’s why each cat adoption story is beautiful in its own way. 

While some people adopt rescue cats, others adopt from shelters, and other times, the cats themselves storm into our lives. One thing is common in all these scenarios, and it’s that everyone ends up falling in love. 

Ask any cat parent, and they’ll tell you how special it was to meet their cat. We did that, and we have proof. 

Here is a list of the most wholesome stories detailing the first time cat owners met their pets. 

This list will prove how incredibly affectionate cats can be. Without meaning to, they find a way to charm humans so much that you’ll have no choice but to create a spot for them in your heart.

These parents did that, and they’re undoubtedly living happier lives. Just imagine how life would be without these felines. 

A world without them isn’t one we’d like to experience. Don’t you agree? Well, these parents do.

1. The cutest imposter out there. Yep, she’s yours now.

1. The cutest imposter out there. Yep, she’s yours now.Sheena Callahan

2. We’re thankful for people like this.

2. We’re thankful for people like this.Anne Carroll Dieringer

3. A classic case of feline love

These furry animals will make you fall in love in no time.

3. A classic case of feline loveJade Dietz Dance

4. All hail the general

"My house, my rules."

4. All hail the generalRuth Starkey

5. Making alliances

He knew just who to befriend right on the spot.

5. Making alliancesFi Wynn

6. “I need food, and I need it now.”

News flash: She and the baby are your responsibility now.

6. “I need food, and I need it now.”Renee Marie

7. It takes only one lovely feline lover to make a massive difference in a cat’s life.

7. It takes only one lovely feline lover to make a massive difference in a cat’s life.Michelle Nemoto

8. Casanova adopted his human, not the other way around.

A win-win for both of them if you ask us.

8. Casanova adopted his human, not the other way around.Billie Ponomarenko

9. The most adorable little thing you may see today

Jade got herself a home, and this lady got the best companion ever.

9. The most adorable little thing you may see todayJeannine Sherrod

10. “Uhm, you seem nice. I’m your cat now. Take me home, feed me, and maybe, just maybe, you could get some cuddles in return.”

That’s a fair bargain, in our opinion.

10. “Uhm, you seem nice. I’m your cat now. Take me home, feed me, and maybe, just maybe, you could get some cuddles in return.”Andrew Shaw

11. The chosen one

We love when this happens.

11. The chosen oneCorey Phoenix

12. years of feline pawsomeness

“Hello, I’m your new cat, and I live here. I expect a treat every other hour, ten minutes of cuddle time, at most, and a soft bed to lay on at night.”

12. years of feline pawsomenessAlex Marie

When it involves cats, you should know that they will effortlessly warm your heart.

We’re super excited for these cat parents and sure that their new furry companions will make life a lot more exciting for them. Yes, we can already tell.

Tell us what it was like meeting your cat for the first time. We'd love to hear from you in the comment section below!
