Deputy Minister’s Cat Crashes His Interview On National Television

The cat simply wanted to express his opinion on state matters.?

  • Published in Animals
Deputy Minister’s Cat Crashes His Interview On National Television

Anton Herashchenko is an important figure in Ukraine. He is a deputy minister at the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs and a former member of the national parliament.

Recently, he joined a discussion on national television via video link from his home. He was there to discuss matters important to the state. Of course, the debate requested a serious tone. A skilled politician had no problem maintaining a serious face and manner until his cat’s tail began appearing on the screen.

The adorable kitty changed the tone of the discussion - at least for one minute, the serious politicians and analysts showed their human side.

Anton Herashchenko

Watch the video:

Herashchenko had no choice but to introduce his furry friend, resulting in a lot of smiling faces in the studio.

Anton Herashchenko

“Yesterday, our treasure, the cat Winston, or rather his tail, accidentally became a screen star,” Herashchenko shared. “[He] climbed to my table, in his usual effortless manner, to ask for his usual portion of attention.”

Herashchenko describes Winston as an “aristocrat.” In his post, he also expressed his love for all animals and shared a link to a nearby animal rescue. He suggested his followers make donations or adopt a kitty in need.
