21 Of The Funniest And The Most Relatable Posts About Cats And Dogs

Our pets are truly awesome. Yes, all of 'em.

  • Published in Animals
21 Of The Funniest And The Most Relatable Posts About Cats And Dogs

Are you more of a cat or dog person? Pretty standard question, right?

How many times have you heard it? Even though there isn't a specific reason why you can't be both, there is a reason why this question comes up so often.

You see, the underlying differences in personality between cats and dogs can result in extremely different relationships between them and their owners. Cats typically exhibit greater independence, cunning, and a lack of need for your love and attention.

Dogs, on the other hand, are more sociable, lively, amiable, and, dare we say it, occasionally pretty silly. Since dogs are our best friends, we all have some idea of what it's like to live with one.

Even if you don’t have one, then chances are your friends, neighbors or parents are dog owners. But life with a cat is somewhat more subtle.

You see, sometimes it seems like it’s not you who has a cat but rather a cat who has you. As someone once said - you don't own a cat, it simply allows you to live in the same home.

We have selected some of the most interesting posts about life with cats and dogs, and you are going to love them:

1. Not subtle at all

1. Not subtle at all@lindseyadler

2. Not true at all. It's the highlight of every zoom call.

2. Not true at all. It's the highlight of every zoom call.@JortsTheCat

3. Self-care kings

3. Self-care kings@svershbow

4. Blockbuster video


5. This is the result:


6. Yes, that's true. The cat is the host.

6. Yes, that's true. The cat is the host.@CatWorkers

7. They don't care much about names...

7. They don't care much about names...@CodeineFridge

8. Poo Tin

8. Poo Tin@Martintenorsax

9. Not a day

9. Not a day@pricetom

There is an ongoing debate about cats' emotions towards their humans. Namely, many people believe that their aloof nature is a clear indicator that they don't care much for their owners.

Molly DeVoss, a certified feline training and behavior specialist says that cats get very attached to people. "That’s absolutely the case and maybe more.
Cats are very sensitive creatures who can detect our moods and emotions. Cats don’t display their emotions as outwardly as dogs do; cats communicate in very subtle body language cues, which may lead people to believe they don’t feel as much as dogs.”

10. Misleading sign:

10. Misleading sign:@fatfatpankocat

11. Dogs have excellent hearing, especially when treats are involved:


12. Bean falling off

12. Bean falling off@memesiwish

13. The current is to strong for little Muffin


14. Comic relief or evil mastermind?

14. Comic relief or evil mastermind?@feefal_

15. There is no use removing the cat...

15. There is no use removing the cat...@CatFoodBreath

16. Please, more.

16. Please, more.@ganymedeshouse

17. Think, cat, think!

17. Think, cat, think!@acechhh

18. Cats are liquid:

19. That is one sad face...

19. That is one sad face...@ShetzAndGiggles

20. All out of catnip...

20. All out of catnip...@NHSCats

21. Just keep swimming...

It's no secret that there are a ton of misconceptions about cat behavior floating around that have very little basis in truth. According to DeVoss, one of the most widespread cat misconceptions is that they can't be trained.

“Cats respond very well to positive reinforcement. Cats are highly motivated by food, so with the right treats and techniques, you can train your cat to do just about anything,” DeVoss said. 

So, are you a cat or dog person?
