Entitled Dog Owner Lets Dog P*op On High School Sports Field, Infuriated Passer-By Calls Out Outrageous Behavior

"This guy is breaking the rules and now has p*op residue on the field."

Entitled Dog Owner Lets Dog P*op On High School Sports Field, Infuriated Passer-By Calls Out Outrageous Behavior

Common sense suggests that dog owners should be considerate and avoid letting their pets play on sports fields, especially where children play, due to potential health and safety concerns. But believe it or not, banning dogs from such places can be quite a touchy subject in some communities.

One concerned man was only trying to help enforce the rules. He shares about his encounter with an entitled dog owner through a post on the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit.

The original poster (OP) frequents a local field to exercise. He runs laps at the local high school track a few times a week during non-school hours when it’s open to the public.

There’s a sign with standard rules like no guns, no fireworks, no alcohol, and no pets, among others. The field is also used for youth sports, and OP has even coached his kid’s team there before.

It’s a well-maintained turf field intended for athletics. One morning, while the OP was running, he noticed a man playing fetch with his dog on the field.

It ended up p*oping on the field, and though the owner cleaned it up, it bothered the OP. He felt the field should be reserved for sports and that the owner was breaking the rules, leaving p*op residue behind.

He then confronted the dog owner, telling him he shouldn’t have his pet there, but he was told to mind his own business.

He even pointed out the rules and mentioned that kids play on this field. The entitled owner won't relent and told the OP he's being an a-hole for policing him, ruining his morning.

The OP ended his run in frustration and left.

The OP was just trying to enforce the rules since he coaches kids on the field.

The OP was just trying to enforce the rules since he coaches kids on the field.Reddit

He frequently runs on a local field.

He frequently runs on a local field.Reddit

He noticed a guy with a dog that p*oped on the field.

He noticed a guy with a dog that p*oped on the field.Reddit

He called out the dog owner's inconsiderate behavior.

He called out the dog owner's inconsiderate behavior.Reddit

Unfortunately, the dog owner didn't listen.

Unfortunately, the dog owner didn't listen.Reddit

The OP isn't the a-hole. The behavior needed to be called out.

The OP isn't the a-hole. The behavior needed to be called out.Reddit

This guy isn't just breaking one rule.

He has his dog unleashed on top of contaminating a field where kids play.

This guy isn't just breaking one rule.Reddit

Dog p*op is a health hazard in such areas.

Dog p*op is a health hazard in such areas.Reddit

This just can't read a simple sign.

This just can't read a simple sign.Reddit

Unfortunately, a lot of dog owners are so notorious for not following rules.

Unfortunately, a lot of dog owners are so notorious for not following rules.Reddit

The true a-hole here is the dog owner. He chose not to leave despite the clear sign that was put up and the OP's call out.

Pet owners like this need to understand the risk that comes with p*op residue, especially since players would be touching the ground. The OP should report this to the management or animal control to ensure the field remains a safe and clean environment for everyone.
