Teen Plans To Tell Overbearing Mom 'I'm Busy Doing Drugs' To Highlight Privacy Invasion

"Can I have 1 minute to get dressed?!"

Teen Plans To Tell Overbearing Mom 'I'm Busy Doing Drugs' To Highlight Privacy Invasion

Dealing with overbearing parents can be a significant challenge, especially for teenagers craving some privacy and independence. In this scenario, a 14-year-old feels suffocated by their mom's strict rules and constant invasions of privacy.

The restrictions include no incognito browsing, no unsupervised outings, and no personal phone or computer. The teen even resorts to using a Nintendo Switch for some semblance of privacy.

The situation reaches a boiling point when the mom frequently barges into the teen’s room without waiting, even when the teen is getting dressed. Frustrated and desperate for a moment alone, the teen considers a drastic response: telling their mom they’re “busy doing drugs” the next time she tries to enter without knocking.

This plan, while extreme and potentially shocking, highlights the teen’s intense need for personal space and their feeling of being unheard.

Such a situation underscores the importance of open communication within families. Teens need to feel trusted and respected, and parents need to balance their protective instincts with granting appropriate freedoms.

While the teen’s idea might seem humorous, it also signals a cry for boundaries and respect. Ideally, a calm conversation about privacy and mutual respect could lead to a better understanding and a more harmonious household.

Just take a look at this...

OP's mom banned incognito mode and they've never been allowed outside alone or to have a phone or computer.

OP's mom banned incognito mode and they've never been allowed outside alone or to have a phone or computer.Reddit

They post from a Nintendo Switch for privacy since their mom checks their room and always comes in.

They post from a Nintendo Switch for privacy since their mom checks their room and always comes in.Reddit

At 14.5, they're frustrated their mom never waits before entering their room and consider sarcastically saying, "Busy doing drugs!"

Scroll down to see what people had to say...

At 14.5, they're frustrated their mom never waits before entering their room and consider sarcastically saying, Reddit

That would be a clever idea!

That would be a clever idea!Reddit

Turning frustration into comedy gold? Maybe not with the drug jokes. Let's keep it PG for now.

Turning frustration into comedy gold? Maybe not with the drug jokes. Let's keep it PG for now.Reddit

Sis snooping on Google and Mom's on a protection spree? It's the family circus!

Sis snooping on Google and Mom's on a protection spree? It's the family circus!Reddit

Stay incognito: Mix in news searches like 'Gaza' or 'Speaker of the House' to throw off the spies.

Stay incognito: Mix in news searches like 'Gaza' or 'Speaker of the House' to throw off the spies.Reddit

NTA, but save the sarcasm. Head to the library – parent-approved browsing awaits.

NTA, but save the sarcasm. Head to the library – parent-approved browsing awaits.Reddit

Play the browsing game like a pro: Incognito for the real deal, regular tabs for the decoys. Sneaky, huh?

Play the browsing game like a pro: Incognito for the real deal, regular tabs for the decoys. Sneaky, huh?Reddit

Spare the theatrics. Ask why there is a sudden interest in catching them naked!

Spare the theatrics. Ask why there is a sudden interest in catching them naked!Reddit

'She sounds like a mom who doesn't value privacy for her children.'

'She sounds like a mom who doesn't value privacy for her children.'Reddit

Ditch the drama, choose dialogue. Mature chats with parents? They're the real power moves.

Ditch the drama, choose dialogue. Mature chats with parents? They're the real power moves.Reddit

NTA, shock tactics? Not cool. Just ask for a knock before intrusion. It's all about boundaries.

NTA, shock tactics? Not cool. Just ask for a knock before intrusion. It's all about boundaries.Reddit

Helicopter mom alert! Give her a heads-up that they're in their birthday suit. Let the awkwardness unfold.

Helicopter mom alert! Give her a heads-up that they're in their birthday suit. Let the awkwardness unfold.Reddit

NTA. Skip the drugs; she might test them. Time to talk: Growing up means privacy. And as for sis? Curiosity kills.

NTA. Skip the drugs; she might test them. Time to talk: Growing up means privacy. And as for sis? Curiosity kills.Reddit

Incognito for stealth, regular for show. Sign out like a ninja.

Incognito for stealth, regular for show. Sign out like a ninja.Reddit

Harder life, funnier outcome. But worth it? Doubtful.

Harder life, funnier outcome. But worth it? Doubtful.Reddit

Choosing shock? How about 'They're obliterating cities' instead?

Choosing shock? How about 'They're obliterating cities' instead?Reddit

Antagonizing? Risky move. 'Off to buy crack and hire hookers, Mom!'—Bold, but smart mom, got the hint.

Antagonizing? Risky move. 'Off to buy crack and hire hookers, Mom!'—Bold, but smart mom, got the hint.Reddit

Talking beats theatrics. Empathy, not shock, wins the day.

Talking beats theatrics. Empathy, not shock, wins the day.Reddit

Fueling the fire? Bad call. Get ready for the privacy invasion deluxe package!

Fueling the fire? Bad call. Get ready for the privacy invasion deluxe package!Reddit

Navigating teenage privacy is like balancing on a tightrope—one misstep, and it's chaos. Maybe next time, a heartfelt talk will work better than a shock tactic. After all, a well-placed "Please knock" sign might save more drama than an impromptu 'drug bust' announcement ever could!

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