Breastfeeding Mama Goes Viral Online After Encounter While Nursing Near Orangutan At A Zoo

This nursing mama has a one in a lifetime experience while bonding with her child and an orangutan

  • Published in Animals
Breastfeeding Mama Goes Viral Online After Encounter While Nursing Near Orangutan At A Zoo

Gemma Copeland had what could be described as the most epic encounter of her life in Vienna Austria.

Copeland is a world wanderer and didn't want those incredible journey's to end because she had a baby. Not only that, but she also wanted her son to have those experiences at a young age as well.

Her family's trip to Austria however, proved to be one in a million for a lifetime.

While visiting the Schönbrunn Zoo, Copeland's young son got hungry. So naturally, she did what any parent would do, she fed her child.

Proudly yet subtly, she sat down by the window of the enclosure to nurse her baby boy, and what do you know? A curious empathetic ape came over to watch her and her son.

I couldn't love this more.

I couldn't love this more.

This is the status Copeland posted about her encounter.

This is the status Copeland posted about her encounter.

How could you not be?

How could you not be?

She did what any mama would do.

She did what any mama would do.

Copeland dives in and tells all,

“My breastfeeding experiences in public have been diverse, some people looking curious, others content and the odd negative one, Once I was asked to cover my little boy whilst he was feeding to which I responded by handing over a spare muslin and asking them if they minded covering their shallow-minded selves. This quickly ended the situation leaving me to enjoy my coffee and bonding with my son.”

The zoo in which this magical moment took place was Founded in 1752, and is the oldest continuously operated zoo in the entire world. It takes great pride in being a "scientifically administered establishment that sees its main purpose as a center for species conservation and general nature conservation." So it is truly the perfect spot for this encounter beings breastfeeding is as old as the human race, it is the sole purpose of women's breasts.

The breast sexualizing culture is something created by man, to be frank, to make money.

“I would like to think Vienna chose us as opposed to us choosing Vienna,” Gemma said. “When searching for our trip, I had no destination in mind but it proved to be a life-changing choice as little did we know what was about to happen.”


And we applaud you for doing so!

And we applaud you for doing so!



As a breastfeeding mama myself of almost 5 consecutive years, you can only imagine my heart lept with glee when I first saw the photos.

It is our biological duty to give our children the very best start to life that we can offer, that beginning is literally fueled by breastmilk.

Unfortunately breastfeeding rates are at a gut punching low, due to lack of knowledge and research by those in the medical field who could really make all the difference.

I implore you mama's, do your research on breastfeeding. Then turn around and do your research on your provider.

Be careful to choose a PRO breastfeeding provider and not settle on a breastfeeding tolerant one. It's easy to get the two mixed up, so stay diligent and always always ask questions.

Your doctor could easily be the difference in your breastfeeding success or limited amount of.


So much love.

So much love.

What a shocking number!

What a shocking number!

Hats off to you for bringing awareness.

Hats off to you for bringing awareness.

Even a small amount could make a huge difference.

Even a small amount could make a huge difference.

I've made it my personal mission to aid any mama that needs it within their breastfeeding journey.

God knows there's a plethora of things that could potentially go 'wrong', however they're almost always manageable and I promise you there is an answer!

I frequent this website often for tips, tricks, and answers to questions I may have. But please don't stop there, seek until you find the answers you're looking for.

Trust your mama gut instincts, they're never wrong!


Thank you for bringing awareness to #normalizebreastfeeding

Thank you for bringing awareness to #normalizebreastfeeding

Among the awareness, Copeland decided she wanted to raise money for the orangutans.

“I’ve been given an opportunity and a platform to attempt to make a change [so] I’d like to raise money for the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of the orangutan.” the animal lover said.

These great apes share 96.4% of our genes. So not only are they incredibly intelligent, but they also use sophisticated tools and build elaborate sleeping nests each night from foliage and branches.

Orangutans have been intensely studied for their advanced learning abilities, and research suggests there may be distinctive cultures within the populations.

However, as of now all three orangutan species are critically endangered. As you can imagine, humans are definitely to blame for their devastating decline.

Threats to wild orangutans are, habitat destruction for palm oil, poaching, and the illegal pet trade.

Sweet and snuggled.

Sweet and snuggled.

Gemma Copeland urges people to donate to the Borneo Orangutan Rescue as they are dedicated to saving these endangered animals.

“For all our modern advances, this moment proved to me that although species apart, we’re just the same,” the mother said. “We are all equal. The nurturing care of our children is paramount, regardless of race, gender, and even species. At that moment, we were one.” Copeland admitted.

As you could guess, the public weighed in with their comments and personal experiences.

As you could guess, the public weighed in with their comments and personal experiences.

Can you see my eyes rolling? Cause they're definitely rolling.

Can you see my eyes rolling? Cause they're definitely rolling.



They truly are.

They truly are.

As much as I agree, preserving their species is the reason why they exist in zoo's.

As much as I agree, preserving their species is the reason why they exist in zoo's.

I'd have to agree with you.

I'd have to agree with you.

Their eyes make me so sad.

Their eyes make me so sad.

I do too.

I do too.



I have "met" this gorilla as well and I can definitely vouge for this commenters statement.

I have

Round of applause for this commenter please!

Round of applause for this commenter please!

So friends, donate if you're able to, and if you're not, give breastfeeding mama's a break next time you come across one.

We're all just trying to live our best lives, and give our children the very best start possible. I promise we aren't looking for your attention, nor do we want it.

We're simply feeding a hungry baby. <3
