Brad Pitt's Undeniable Love Of Twinning With His Girlfriends Is Cracking Us Up

There's a Brad Pitt style exclusive for every lady.

  • Published in Funny
Brad Pitt's Undeniable Love Of Twinning With His Girlfriends Is Cracking Us Up

We've likely noticed this subconsciously over the years since Brad Pitt graced us with his handsome presence, but it took until 2018 to really realize how much the man dresses and styles his hair like his girlfriends. 

Like, he always has and continues to do so. Everyone gets so distracted by his good looks and his humanitarian efforts, that we never noticed. But Twitter user Sarah McGonagall tweeted out an old newspaper clipping titled "Brad: The man who likes to look like his girlfriend" that details this strange little habit of his, and everyone came to the sudden realization that this has been happening all along.

I mean...what does Brad Pitt even look like when he's single? Who does he copy? I need answers!

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