Woman Walks In On Boyfriend Peeing On Dog As ‘Punishment’ And Orchestrates The Most Lightning-Fast Rescue Mission In History

“What kind of person does that to an animal?!”

Woman Walks In On Boyfriend Peeing On Dog As ‘Punishment’ And Orchestrates The Most Lightning-Fast Rescue Mission In History

Our narrator (Original Poster) found herself on a challenging path when what was supposed to be a perfect addition to her life turned into a chaotic adventure.  

OP battled with health conditions that already made everyday life a struggle. When she and her boyfriend decided to fulfill their dream of having a furry companion, they would've never guessed the rollercoaster that awaited. 

They settled on Sam, a Boxer/Jack Russell mix whose size matched a boxer but had the energy to rival a Jack Russell—and he soon became too much for OP to handle.

Nothing was spared from the destructive force of Sam’s paws. It didn’t help that he was much stronger than OP, so controlling him wasn’t even an option—he actually once gave OP’s roommate a black eye.

Her boyfriend, Trey, on the other hand, distanced himself from the escalating situation. He made it clear that Sam was OP’s responsibility alone; even watching Sam while OP took a shower proved to be too much of a hassle for Trey.

It wasn’t long before OP accepted she was way in over her head. She confronted Trey and splayed out two alternatives before him: pay for doggy daycare/Sam’s training, or he’d have to be re-homed.

Trey aggressively kicked against rehoming Sam since he was so ‘attached,’ but he also claimed that he couldn’t afford the training—even though he made $32/hour and crashed in OP’s apartment for free.

The ultimate shocker hit when OP busted Trey peeing on Sam as some bizarre form of 'discipline.' In a flash, OP made arrangements and moved Sam to a safe haven. And Trey? Well, let's just say he exploded when he got wind of it.

OP didn’t care, though; she had to get Sam away from that situation. Was she the a***le here?

The story in detail

The story in detailReddit.com

The couple got a dog together, only to find out that it’s too much for them to handle

The couple got a dog together, only to find out that it’s too much for them to handleReddit.com

OP decided that the best option would be to find the dog a new home. Unfortunately for her, Trey vehemently refused this suggestion

OP decided that the best option would be to find the dog a new home. Unfortunately for her, Trey vehemently refused this suggestionReddit.com

Trey absolved himself from all responsibilities centered at training the dog. Soon enough, OP was at her wits end

Trey absolved himself from all responsibilities centered at training the dog. Soon enough, OP was at her wits endReddit.com

Unsurprisingly, the dog made a mess right after OP finished cleaning their bedroom. But this time, Trey was determined to teach it a lesson

Unsurprisingly, the dog made a mess right after OP finished cleaning their bedroom. But this time, Trey was determined to teach it a lessonReddit.com

OP woke up to a shocking sight. She walked in on Trey peeing on their dog

OP woke up to a shocking sight. She walked in on Trey peeing on their dogReddit.com

The next morning, Trey claimed that he was sleepwalking. But OP was done. She called the girl they had adopted the dog from and returned it back

The next morning, Trey claimed that he was sleepwalking. But OP was done. She called the girl they had adopted the dog from and returned it backReddit.com

When Trey returned home to find that their dog was gone, he went ballistic on OP

When Trey returned home to find that their dog was gone, he went ballistic on OPReddit.com

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“Your boyfriend is a bum and an animal abuser.”

“Your boyfriend is a bum and an animal abuser.”Reddit.com

“NTA. I was prepared to judge you for ‘getting rid of your dog,’ but it sounds like you did what was best for the animal.”

“NTA. I was prepared to judge you for ‘getting rid of your dog,’ but it sounds like you did what was best for the animal.”Reddit.com

“You did what was best for Sam, now you need to treat yourself the same way and do what is best for you.”

“You did what was best for Sam, now you need to treat yourself the same way and do what is best for you.”Reddit.com

“How backwards do you have to be to make an active decision to pee on an animal.“

“How backwards do you have to be to make an active decision to pee on an animal.“Reddit.com

“Thank God he is away from you both.”

“Thank God he is away from you both.”Reddit.com

Redditors have spoken, and the overwhelming majority agreed that OP did the right thing.

And as for the advice on the side? Well, the hive mind suggested showing the boyfriend the door as well. And guess what? OP did just that!

What a fitting end to this doggo tale.

We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
