What's better than a rad cat? One that knows he's ra-d-a-ta-ta-ta-ta! When in all actuality, he's a bodega cat. What's that you ask?
A store-front cat. Be that a deli, cafe, a convenience store, or a shop, a bodega cat is one that inhabits a business front.
They're a hardworking breed of kitty cat, and they call the stores that they're famous in, their home. The term bodega cat is especially popular in New York City.
So much so, that Bodega Cats is in fact a social media project that is dedicated completely to spotting and then celebrating the beloved kitties, cats, and kittens by submitting the photo to those that run the showcase. Then they share the cat photos and videos with their following, and the result?
A staggering collection of refined kitty photos. What more could someone want, right?