Photographer Takes Wonderful Portraits Of Black Dogs And Cats From The Shelter To Help Them Find A Home

Why are black animals so unpopular?

  • Published in Animals
Photographer Takes Wonderful Portraits Of Black Dogs And Cats From The Shelter To Help Them Find A Home

So many myths revolve around black cats that it's hard to figure out where did they even originate. Some people believe they bring bad luck, and it is incredible how widespread that myth is, all over the world. It is weird how people from different countries can't agree on so many things, but when it comes to black cats- there is a consensus.

It's not much easier on black dogs, either. Some people perceive them as threatening, or aggressive. Even though they don't actually believe that coloration has anything to do with their temper, the subconscious is a powerful thing.

That is the reason that a photographer Emma decided to take photographs of black cats and dogs. She wanted to spread awareness about this issue.

Emma says: "Shelters worldwide often euthanize black dogs and cats more frequently purely because they know they are going to be more difficult to re-home. Some don’t even get a chance to meet their forever family. Heartbreaking.

Changing perceptions amongst potential adopters as well as using clever ‘marketing‘ tools to make them stand out seems to be the key.

The general public (worldwide) needs to be educated about the sterilization of pets to reduce the number of unwanted critters running around. Many of the stars I snapped were accidental arrivals (don’t tell Truffle) and whilst they are unbelievably loved, another critter will have not been so lucky. It’s a numbers game, one that must be reduced by getting cats and dogs ‘fixed’ before more accidental babies arrive."

1. Echo

1. Echo

2. Pesto

2. Pesto

3. Nancy

"Slightly needy, snorer of note. Sheds so much that her mom now dresses like Batman."

3. Nancy

4. Bentley

"Reserved at first. Secretly a HUGE Madonna fan. Has all her albums."

4. Bentley

5. Arizona

"Didn’t stop talking throughout the shoot. Also has paint on her ear. Also fired."

5. Arizona

6. Red

"Yes, that is paint on his ear. Yes, this is his last ever modeling gig."

6. Red

7. Dogg

"Pronounced ‘D’ ‘O’ “double G’ as in Snoop. Impossibly cool. Fan of hip hop."

7. Dogg

8. Grace

"Only wears Gucci. Anxiously waiting for a Net-A-Porter delivery that’s taking forever to arrive."

8. Grace

“Black dogs and cats get a raw deal when it comes to being unwanted. Ending up at a shelter is bad news for any animal, but black critters are the least likely to be adopted and if they are lucky enough to be chosen by an adoptee, they will have waited the longest.

I’ve done a bit of research on this and there seem to be four major reasons that black dogs and cats are last on the list for potential adoptees – firstly, they don’t photograph well (I think these images disprove that point) which is tragic if you want to take over Instagram with your new pet (repeatedly smacks forehead against wall), secondly, black dogs can look intimidating and aggressive, thirdly, black cats are superstitiously unlucky (or should that be stupid-stitiously) and lastly, they are a bit plain and boring to look at. What. Evs.”

-Emma Brien

9. Toby

Has a fetish for sitting on velvet chairs. His tongue isn’t the only thing he lets hang out.

9. Toby

10. Parker

Raised by a cat. Has a full repartee of witty one-liners. Won’t wait to be invited to use them.

10. Parker

11. Lena

"Full-time retiree. Part-time therapist. Will always share her couch, but may fall asleep whilst you talk."

11. Lena

12. Mia

"Weighs 50kg, thinks she’s a lap dog. Can take out a couch once she breaks into a gentle trot."

12. Mia

13. Casper

"Likes the finer things in life. Insists on silk sheets. Secretly likes to wear feather boas."

13. Casper

14. Jessie

"As crazy as she looks. Once used a set of toddlers as skittles. Claims it was a total accident."

14. Jessie

15. Gabriel

"Insisted on a head shot only because he’s still trying to get bikini ready."

15. Gabriel

16. Truffle

"Part of an ‘oopsie’ litter but insists that he’s full pedigree. Still thinks this shoot was for Country Life magazine."

16. Truffle

17. Maya the Mexican

"Won’t make eye contact until you’ve downed four tequila shots and said ‘Xoloitzcuintli’ correctly. Good luck."

17. Maya the Mexican

18. Merlin

"An enthusiastic advocate for the legalization of The Nip. Might have had some before the shoot."

18. Merlin

19. Another Merlin

"Lost his eye whilst on a secret mission for MI5. Keeps requesting a monetary allowance for a diamond-encrusted patch. Keeps being denied. Has put in an order with Cartier and is going to expense it."

19. Another Merlin

20. Guinness

"Judgemental as all hell. Found living under a trailer but is in no way trashy."

20. Guinness