Black Kitties Are Finding Forever Homes In Celebration of 'Black Panther'

How many kitties got adopted in honor of Iron Man?

  • Published in Animals
Black Kitties Are Finding Forever Homes In Celebration of 'Black Panther'

If you're a cat fanatic as much as I am then surely you can't imagine why any cat would be favored above any others in general so when rumors float that black cats are the least adopted kind of cat out there we had to know the truth. According to the ASPCA, it's quite the contrary. Black cats are adopted more than any other color of cat out there! And while we're on the topic of great cat news, black cat adoptions are on the rise yet again!

When Tumblr user Gallusrostromegalus took to the Internet to celebrate the "unexpected benefit" of the Black Panther movie release was more black cats being adopted, all of us cat lovers rejoiced. Well, most of us did. Some had concerns that perhaps adopting a black cat in the name of Black Panther was a fad that would have catastrophic consequences when the fad wore off, but don't worry, Gallusrostromegalus covered those concerns, too! Check out his post:


Adopting them in celebration of the Black Panther movie?

We can dig that, too! Black Panther is the story of T'Challa, returning home to take his place as King after his father dies. As the leader of Wakanda, T'Challa finds himself dancing along a delicate border between being Black Panther and the King. The movie has been highly anticipated and racked in over $100 million it's opening weekend!Face2faceafrica

But don't take just one Tumblr user's word for it. There are other stories of Black Panther inspiring black cat adoptions across the nation! 

In Richardson, Texas the Alamo Drafthouse held a promotion offering FREE tickets to the movie with every adoption of a black cat!

Operation Kindness

Daniel Wallace, a manger at Alamo Drafthouse said:

It’s basically a promotion for Black Panther.

Of course, don't let the idea run too wild for you.

So far, the ASPCA says they haven't noticed a difference in adoption rates.

Although, this is just based on record keeping across NYC. They do suggest the wild adoption stories are simply anecdotal, but the verdict may still be out.

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A spokesperson for the ASPCA told Buzzfeed:

The ASPCA Adoption Center has not seen an increased interest in adoptions of, nor requests for, black cats as a result of the Black Panther film.



Okay, ASPCAGiphy And much like our research suggested, the spokesperson also touched on the adoption myths surrounding black cats.Marvel Studios

He said:

The belief that black animals are less desired is a widely held misconception. In fact, year after year we have found black cats and dogs are adopted more than any other color of animals.

"Am I popular?" Yes kitty, you are.

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And in the end, we don't think it really matters. All we know for sure is that shelters are adopting out black cats to responsible owners, and if some of them are in celebration of a wicked cool movie? Well, that's a bonus! Either way, we're going to enjoy a few adorable black cats of Instagram:

Black Panther? Black Panther. If you came here for black cats then you surely won't be disappointed.

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