Black Cats Change Everything About Living Life With Cats

Let's squash the stigmas once and for all!

  • Published in Animals
Black Cats Change Everything About Living Life With Cats

It's true that black cats still have a very strong and wide stigma around them. Many people are still incredibly superstitious, particularly about black cats.

So much so, that the cats most commonly left behind at shelters are the black fuzzballs. A sad realization isn't it?

In my opinion, black cats are some of the most majestic looking. Black cats let their eyes do all the talking for them, and the shine that their onyx fur-coats have, ohmy it's always so stunning.

So to combat that stigma, I've got this dandy little handful of black cat pictures that will hopefully change your mind about them! Or make you fall a little more in love with them just like I did!

Surely, this collection of black cats is the ultimate argument in support of the house panthers.

1. Is that a shadow or?

1. Is that a shadow or?

2. "You can't seeeeee meeee!"


3. Ooo this is eerie!

3. Ooo this is eerie!

4. Bat-Cat... Na na na na na na na na na na na na.

4. Bat-Cat... Na na na na na na na na na na na na.

5. I don't know very many cats that enjoy being wet. LOL

5. I don't know very many cats that enjoy being wet. LOL

6. Awwwwe!

6. Awwwwe!

7. There's that shine I was talking about!

7. There's that shine I was talking about!

8. Is there a kitty, yay or nay?

8. Is there a kitty, yay or nay?

9. That's a frozen kitty, this wouldn't be near as beautiful if it had happened to any other color of cat!

9. That's a frozen kitty, this wouldn't be near as beautiful if it had happened to any other color of cat!

10. We heart you too!

10. We heart you too!

11. "I is tired."


12. "There's nothing to see here, move along."


13. Is this Salem?!

13. Is this Salem?!

14. Moon eyes!

14. Moon eyes!

15. Itty bitty, adorable kitty.

15. Itty bitty, adorable kitty.

16. "I hide!"


17. "They'll never see me here."


18. Those eyes! My goodness they're beautiful!

18. Those eyes! My goodness they're beautiful!

19. "You share wif me?"


20. It has thumbs! Too cute!

20. It has thumbs! Too cute!