16 Bizarre And Forgotten Batman Adversaries Who Deserve To Appear In The Next Movie

Condiment King – a man who can spray ketchup and mustard everywhere…

16 Bizarre And Forgotten Batman Adversaries Who Deserve To Appear In The Next Movie

Batman is a long-running American comic book series created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. It revolves around the DC Comics superhero Batman. The character was first introduced in Detective Comics #27 by (May 1939). In his 80 years of fighting crime, Batman ran into some really messed-up villains.

The Batman has more Batvillains than you can shake a bat at, including Catwoman, Penguin, Falcone, The Riddler, Hush (because the Riddler stole his entire act), and, of course, the Clown Boy. With a new Arkham show on the way and a sequel all but certain, it's time to think about Robert Pattison's cinematic future and all the villains he'll be facing (or kissing?) there.

Do you think a guy who ties people up and feeds them to rats is strange? Take a look at – Condiment King. When the Joker introduces his daughter, Duela, you believe he's twisted up.

Look at the Calendar Man if you think the Riddler has a too narrow aura. Some of Batman's foes have a reputation for being really messed up.

These aren't all of them; in fact, they're not even the majority of them. However, these are some of the strangest foes the Bat Dude has ever faced.

Take a look:

1. The Batman who Laughs

The Batman Who Laughs is the villainous alternate version of Bruce Wayne from Earth -22 in the Dark Multiverse.

1. The Batman who LaughsBatman Fandom

2. Doctor Hurt

He is an immortal ancestor of Thomas Wayne with exactly the same name.

2. Doctor HurtBatman Fandom

3. Flamingo

He is an insane assassin enemy of Batman and a member of the Circus of Strange.

3. FlamingoBatman Fandom

4. Owlman

An evil version of Batman often hailing from Earth-3 where all traditional heroes are villains and vice versa.

4. OwlmanBatman Fandom

5. Bat-Mite

A  troublesome former member of the Bat-Family who is both an ally and adversary to Batman.

5. Bat-MiteBatman Fandom

6. Crazy Quilt

Paul Dekker AKA Crazy Quilt is an enemy of Batman. He was a painter who was driven insane, causing him to commit crimes themed around colors and quilts.

6. Crazy QuiltBatman Fandom

7. Professor Pyg

Pyg is a twisted surgeon, obsessed with the myth of Pygmalion and notions of physical perfection.

7. Professor PygBatman Fandom

8. Mrs. Manface and Baby Face

8. Mrs. Manface and Baby FaceBatman Fandom

9. James Gordon, Jr.

James Worthington Gordon Jr., also known as "J.J. Gordon", is the psychopathic son of Gotham City police commissioner James Gordon and his first wife, Barbara Eileen Gordon.

9. James Gordon, Jr.Batman Fandom

10. False Face

10. False FaceBatman Fandom

11. Duela Dent

11. Duela DentBatman Fandom

12. Condiment King

Well, they can cause anaphylactic shock sometimes...

12. Condiment KingBatman Fandom

13. Clock King

13. Clock KingBatman Fandom

14. Calendar Man

14. Calendar ManBatman Fandom

15. Batwoman

15. BatwomanBatman Fandom

16. The Bookworm

16. The BookwormBatman Fandom

Well, we shouldn’t judge writers too harshly.

It is hard to come up with a new villain for every episode. You can do it for some time, but once you’ve covered all the usual powers an evil mastermind should have (freezing people, igniting them, electrocuting them, turning them into mutants, etc), you are not left with much else.

And then - you need to be creative. There is a famous episode of Lost in Space when the writers had no ideas, so they came up with a rebellion of vegetable people.

Yes, people dressed as vegetables. The actors couldn’t believe what they were forced to shoot and viewed it as a joke.

And the episode now has a cult status. You can literally see how actors are trying not to laugh and rolling their eyes.
