50 People Share Photos Of Bird Nests In Unexpected Places

While some birds stick to simple twig nests, others go full-on architectural marvels, crafting intricate homes in the most surprising spots, it's like they're saying, "Check out our deluxe digs in the wild!"

  • Published in Animals
50 People Share Photos Of Bird Nests In Unexpected Places

Birds, with their remarkable ingenuity and instinctual drive, construct nests that serve as both a cradle for their eggs and a sanctuary for their young. These avian abodes, diverse in shape, size, and composition, reflect the resourcefulness of their creators.

While some avian species opt for simplicity, fashioning rudimentary scrape nests with minimal effort, others exhibit a mastery of architectural prowess, intricately weaving twigs and various materials into elaborate structures.

Some groups of birds, renowned for their engineering finesse, display an uncanny ability to adapt to unconventional nesting locations. Their nests can be found nestled in unexpected nooks and crannies, from discarded helmets and car parts to the most unlikely spots such as swimming suits and even atop traffic lights.

The ingenuity of these avian architects knows no bounds, as captured through a plethora of captivating photographs that document their remarkable feats. Today, we embark on a visual journey, exploring the diversity of avian nests and the ingenuity of their creators.

Through a curated selection of images, we bear witness to the astonishing variety of nesting locales chosen by birds, each one a testament to their adaptability and creativity. From urban landscapes to rural settings, these avian architects have transformed everyday objects and structures into nesting havens, defying convention and captivating our imagination.

1. "The Nest That Some Birds Made In My Bicycle Seat Pack While I Was Away. I’ll Take The Bus To Work As Long As They Need It"

1. jacobhottberry

2. "I'm Gonna Make A Nest Right Here"

2. shroobs

3. "There's A Bird Nest In My Newspaper Slot"

3. kaaaathryn

4. "A Hummingbird Built Her Nest On The String Lights Above My Patio Table"

4. Mjzak1977

5. "Bird Nesting In A Boot"

5. DogOnABike

6. "Found At My Local Lowes"

6. TheFranchise36

7. "A Robin Has Nested Inside An MX Helmet In My Shed"

7. 33arig

8. "A Bird Sitting In A Nest In A Wild Bird Sign"

8. someguyontheintrnet

9. "This Bird's Nest In My Dad's Helmet. They Hatched"

9. 15dynafxdb

10. "Our Country (Malaysia) Has Been In Movement Control Order. This Is 10 Days Into The Lockdown"

10. jundesirehd

11. Created Nest In Back Of An Elephant Planter"

11. Created Nest In Back Of An Elephant PlanterPrettyCauliflower638

12. "Robin's Nest In The Top Of A Fence Post"

12. Automaticdealz

13. "People Kept Pointing Their Phones At The CCTV Camera"

13. 9999monkeys

14. "Mobile Home"

14. Elvishgirl

15. "Birds Built A Nest In Our Window"

15. MissDarling92

16. Behold! The Miracle Of Nature That Is The Pigeon Nest"

16. Behold! The Miracle Of Nature That Is The Pigeon NestTeatimeWithMatt

17. "I Love Pigeons Because When It’s Time To Make A Nest They’re Like “Whatever”

17. christapeterso

18. "This Is A Pic Of A Mourning Dove Which Made A Nest In My Bathroom, It Is On The Top Floor"

18. stone_monkey56

19. "An Old Jacket Hanging In The Woods With A Bird's Nest Built In The Pocket"

19. golden_blaze

20. "My Sister Hung Her Bathing Suit Top Out To Dry. A Bird Started Building A Nest In The Cup"

20. SpreadySpaghetti

21. "A Hummingbird Built Its Nest On My Hanging Hummingbird Figurine"

21. lovemymaltese

22. "A Bird Laid Eggs On The Stairs Of Our Front Porch"

22. reddit.com

23. "This Bird Making Its Nest In A Mop"

23. mcclanedutch

24. "Second Year In A Row Robins Built A Nest On Our Outdoor Ceiling Fan"

24. angmarsilar

25. "There Is A Bird's Nest In This "Tree"

25. xXPloopyXx

26. "Got A Little Surprise When I Got Home From Work"

26. superschmunk

27. "This Is Just Ridiculous"

27. BadNests

28. "A Hummingbird Made A Tiny Nest On A Christmas Light"

28. emliv

29. "That Pigeon Nesting Between Anti-Pigeon Spikes"

29. Hubbiflubbi

30. "Duck Made A Nest In My Fire Pit, And Duckies Finally Hatched"

30. Voodoo330

31. "Bird Made Its Nest In My Mop"

31. stanlejm

32. "A Sure Sign You Have Been Taking This "Stay At Home" Thing Seriously"

32. jolijuli

33. "An Urban Bird That Uses Cigarette Butts To Protect Its Chicks From Parasites. Harmful To Humans But Beneficial To Birds"

33. saitamakita

34. "Came Home Today And Found This Bird On My Balcony Chair Fully Equipped With Nest And Egg"

34. eoc1994

35. "Left My Work Gloves Outside For A Couple Of Days. Went To Got Them And Found This"

35. another-modern-leper

36. "Stork Family Built Their Nest In Between The McDonald's Sign"

36. Fenixstorm1

37. "Some Birds Built A Nest In One Of My Relative’s Grill, While It Was Still Closed"

37. PugOverload

38. "Hummingbird Family Made A Nest In A Pair Of Hanging Pool Goggles"

38. MusclePussy

39. "Baby Bird In The Mouth Of A Wolf Statue At My University"

39. ostrich270

40. "This Duck That Laid Its Eggs In A Planter At My Work"

40. thepriceofrice

41. "Two Eagles Have Decided To Build A Nest Right Outside My Grandma's Window On The 12th Floor"

41. GogoFrenchFry

42. "This Birds Nest I Found On Top Of My Heavy Bag"

42. ilovemydumbdogs

43. "My Wife Hung A Wreath On Our Front Door. In The First Week A Bird Built A Nest Inside The Wreath. Week Two, A Bird Built A Nest On Top Of The Wreath"

43. Rockin_freakapotamus

44. "This Goose At My Hospital Laid Eggs And Is Nesting In A Large Planter. One Of Our Maintenance Guys Built An Umbrella For Her And Set Up Nearby Water For Her"

44. OrangeCosmos

45. "A Robin Made Its Nest And Laid Some Eggs In The Middle Of My Hanging Basket"

45. Blackjack14

46. "This Is A Canadian Goose Named Dorthy. She Visits My Grandparents' House Every Year To Make Her Nest And Lay Her Eggs"

46. Thicc-Shibe3000

47. "A Nice Wren Couple Moved Into A Hiking Boot In My Parents' Garage, And Today Their Family Grew By 5"

47. sarahaflijk

48. "A Hummingbird Made A Nest On The Handle Of My Parent’s Basketball Hoop"

48. jakeseyenipples

49. "Going To The Track Today, But Found That Two Nesting Birds Had More Important Plans For My Helmets"

49. Dugger512

50. "I Fed A Duck, And Then She Made A Nest 6 Feat From My Front Door"

50. FIunky

As we look closer at this, we start to see how clever birds are and how everything in nature is connected. Their nests, made with great care, show us how delicate the balance is in nature.

By enjoying the different kinds of bird nests, we can understand better how birds help their homes and make our world more beautiful.
