20 Animals That If Were The Size Of The Whale Would Be 100 Times Scarier Than They Are Now

Just imagine a giant chicken!

  • Published in Animals
20 Animals That If Were The Size Of The Whale Would Be 100 Times Scarier Than They Are Now

There really are a lot of creatures in this world that we're glad are existing in such a minuscule size—because let's face it, if ants were the size of elephants, we're doomed right from the very start. We're also glad that most big animals reside underneath the depths of the ocean; because those creatures can be scary as heck!

Imagine a world in reverse: the smallest animals we have now (yes, including the insects) are living a hundred times their original size, or even more. Imagine a world where cats and dogs are as big as whales, just free-roaming in this world like the rightful kings and queens that they are.

Scary, right? Well, a certain someone called u/Grouchy-Trip9582 on Reddit just asked the people of the Internet: "If one animal was made the size of a whale, which would be the scariest?" and of course, people all over the world delivered many entertaining answers that'll leave you thankful that we don't exist in a world where spiders grow to almost a hundred feet in size.

Everything and everyone would've been such a chaotic mess if it were! Just take a look at some of the best answers in the thread:

1. A slime mould cell.

It’s basically an amoeba, so not that scary. One whale-sized blob of cytoplasm that can’t do very much.

BUT … every now and then, it’ll join forces with hundreds of thousands of its siblings. They gloop together to form one massive superorganism that’s now no longer the size of a whale; it’s the size of Mount Everest.

It then sets off looking for food and digesting everything in its path. It squelches over our farms and cities, digesting them all. The armed forces try to blow it up, but every time they do, it just divides and carries on as before, eating everything and getting bigger. It is unstoppable.

Oh, and it’s smart. Capable of navigation, learning, and memory, despite not having a brain or any sensory organs as we know them.

It then decides to stop. It produces an armada of spores that disperse on the wind and waters to cover the globe. They return to being a single, whale-sized blob.

Until its myriad brethren over the world decide to coalesce again. Because it’s lunchtime.

1. A slime mould cell.Britannica

2. Wasp

2. WaspPhoto by Jonas Allert on Unsplash

3. Ants would be pretty scary.

Their faces.. keep it microscopic

3. Ants would be pretty scary.Photo by Prabir Kashyap on Unsplash

4. Baby whale so then it would grow into a mega whale

4. Baby whale so then it would grow into a mega whalePhoto by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

5. A mosquito…female

5. A mosquito…femalePhoto by Егор Камелев on Unsplash

6. Cockroach

6. CockroachPhoto by Erik Karits on Unsplash

7. Cats

The zoomies would be apocalyptic.

7. CatsPhoto by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

8. Pistol shrimp.

Imagine the heat they can generate at that size.

“The internal low pressure causes a water pulse that immobilizes prey with an associated noise of 218 dB which is louder than a bullet, and reportedly a temperature of 4800 degrees centigrade which is similar to the surface temperature of the sun”

8. Pistol shrimp.Photo by AM FL on Unsplash

9. Frog.

ONLY BECAUSE they will eat anything that can fit in their mouth.

now imagine a whale-sized frog with its whale-sized mouth being able to eat anything that can fit.

buildings, people cars, most likely whales, planes, boats you name it it’s gone

9. Frog.Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

10. Praying Mantis

10. Praying MantisPhoto by David Clode on Unsplash

11. A chicken would be absolutely terrorizing.

11. A chicken would be absolutely terrorizing.Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

12. Chimpanzee.

Already very strong and incredibly smart, just imagine if you pissed it off.

12. Chimpanzee.Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

13. Giant centipede.

They’re terrifying enough at centipede size.

13. Giant centipede.Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

14. Spider.

14. Spider.Photo by Ed van duijn on Unsplash

15. Any microscopic insect/organism whose form is unfamiliar to human eyes as is.

15. Any microscopic insect/organism whose form is unfamiliar to human eyes as is.Photo by CDC on Unsplash

16. Dragonfly… Any river will be deadly and later they just kill you from the air.

16. Dragonfly… Any river will be deadly and later they just kill you from the air.Photo by kalai venthan gopal on Unsplash

17. Horseflies.

Fuck those buzzing, biting, blood-drinking vampires.

17. Horseflies.Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

18. Octopus….they are crazy smart…

18. Octopus….they are crazy smart…Photo by Pia on Pexels

19. Ducks due to the gigantic corkscrew penis

19. Ducks due to the gigantic corkscrew penisPhoto by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

20. Honey badger.

They just have a bad attitude

20. Honey badger.Photo by Bryan Smith on Pexels

Well, let's just say that we all must be grateful that we live in a world where chimpanzees, honey badgers, and ducks are sized the way they are; we also wouldn't survive a day if mosquitoes are as big as elephants! Our blood will be sucked out in a matter of seconds!

What other animals do you think would be terrifying if they were the size of a whale? Comment down your thoughts or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
