15+ Times Animals Ended Up Being The Best And Most Funny Creatures In Our World
You’ve never truly been hugged until you’re hugged by 3 beautiful elephants.

Different known species of animals all live in our world, and every species has an antiquated book of biological information. Animal species are assessed to number more than 7.7 million in the world, which implies that the kingdom of animals is unquestionably a diverse place.
There are seven different major types of animals. The first are mammals, which are warm-blooded vertebrates that have fur or hair and whose infants drink milk.
Second are reptiles, which is a diverse group with over 10,000 different species. Third are the fishes, which are aquatic vertebrates.
The fourth type is birds, with living species numbering over 10,400. Their feathers differentiate them from the remaining types of animals, as no other animal in this world has feathers.
The fifth type are amphibians, and they have the unique capacity to flourish on both land and sea. Amphibians cover more than 6,000 distinct species across the globe, but around 90% of them are frogs.
The sixth type is invertebrates, which are any animal creatures that do not have a vertebral column or backbone. The last are insects, which can be found in essentially every part of the world. Insects, as of now, represent more than half of all known living organisms on the planet.
In this article, you’ll get to see some of these animals put a smile on your face with their dramas. Keep scrolling to have a good laugh.
1. Guess what else is in the sea aside from fishes?

2. "Poured one up"
The guy literally poured baked beans in respect to the dog.

3. Weird cat
Now, what is the cat doing under there?

4. This beauty is truly a beauty.
Look at that popping blend of colors!

5. What!
Grew up to be what? No way!

6. "Big Stick Energy."
"That is a lot. Thank you, boy. Let's make something out of this hardwork, shall we?"

7. The ideal work environment
Now, what could be more perfect for a work environment?

8. A 12 pound chiweenie

9. The crow parents are taking a break...
Can you let your parents have some time to themselves? Thank you.

10. So many hugs in the air...

11. What the fluff challenge...
12. Discovering a tail
Oh come on, you had a tail all along, but it’s okay, keep entertaining your audience.
13. A mom and kid bond.
It’s a kitten. Of course, she’s her little one. Such a cute moment...

14. The irony of a rat
Looking fresh at the start of the night, and boom... it’s a shadow of itself at the end of the night.

15. A cat living in the ceiling
Okay, how did the cat get in there?

16. Best pals
And since they look so much alike, it’s natural for them to become best pals

You’ll agree with the fact that these animals are really out to put a smile on our faces with their unique dramas. Did they manage to make you have a good laugh?
Then, do not hesitate to share your comments below on the funniest tweet or tweets you came across. And don’t forget to share it with your animal-loving friends and family.
