20 Kitty Cat Blep Moments To End 2019 With A Happiness Overload

Blep? Mlem? Whichever you call it these cats have it covered.

  • Published in Animals
20 Kitty Cat Blep Moments To End 2019 With A Happiness Overload

We love cats, and that's a fact. What is it about them that makes us coo like a new mother at her child every time we see them? Many things actually. It could be their tiny little noses that wiggle when they smell something stinky.

Or it could be the sight of their toe beans when they're asleep and the little tufts of fur stick out from between them basically BEGGING you to touch it. OR the rare and illusive tongue blep... Yup, it's definitely the blep. And while it can be very hard to see sometimes we've gathered here a gallery of precious tongue photos so everyone can start their cuteness levels at max going into 2020!

1. The journey starts here... Prepare yourself!

1. The journey starts here... Prepare yourself!musicsquidge / Reddit

2. For some almost overwhelming cuteness!

2. For some almost overwhelming cuteness!livingto_love / Reddit

3. Sleepy Blep

3. Sleepy BlepBHelaMe / Reddit

4. Playtime Blep

4. Playtime BlepAyyyLMizelle / Reddit

5. Relaxed Blep

5. Relaxed Blephaquimo_ / Reddit

6. Any kind of Blep! We've got them all!

6. Any kind of Blep! We've got them all!MeowslimClawric / Reddit

7. Have you ever seen one this close up before?

7. Have you ever seen one this close up before?rebirthofnova / Reddit

8. Or one from a kitty this C H O N K Y ?

8. Or one from a kitty this C H O N K Y ?Tron-ClaudeVanDayum / Reddit

9. Some of theses might be the best mlem material I've ever seen.

9. Some of theses might be the best mlem material I've ever seen. BrainWeasel / Reddit

10. I'm mean, look at this wee face!

10. I'm mean, look at this wee face!littlebittyoctober / Reddit

11. Or this wee one giving off a bit of a side swipe

11. Or this wee one giving off a bit of a side swipeshanster925 / Reddit

12. Cats were put on this earth to bring people joy. I'm sure of it.

12. Cats were put on this earth to bring people joy. I'm sure of it.TheNameIsChops / Reddit

13. If they weren't why would this even be a possibility?

13. If they weren't why would this even be a possibility?PopDaKira / Reddit


14. AND ANY CAT CAN DO ITforedeck_union / Reddit

15. Any at all. Watch your cat like a hawk, you'll see.

15. Any at all. Watch your cat like a hawk, you'll see.harothecat3 / Reddit

16. Soft baby...

16. Soft baby...Game_shark5010 / Reddit

17. Warm baby...

17. Warm baby...cuddles_like_a_rock / Reddit

18. Little ball of blep...

18. Little ball of blep...3loodwolf117 / Reddit

19. That's it. I can't take any more of this cuteness.

19. That's it. I can't take any more of this cuteness.twodadshuggin / Reddit

20. I'm going to hug my cat.

Thanks for making it all the way to the end! Make sure you share with a friend who needs a happiness boost, and give your cat some extra hugs from me!

20. I'm going to hug my cat. Paolipaoli / Reddit