19 Amazing Before And After Pictures Of Butterfly Transformations

The unsung heroes

  • Published in Animals
19 Amazing Before And After Pictures Of Butterfly Transformations

Butterfly transformation is one of the most magnificent processes we can observe in nature. Caterpillar to butterfly has also become a synonym for something that starts looking ugly turns into something beautiful. But are the caterpillars ugly?

They are an excellent example of nature’s ingenuity. They have no means of defense, so most of them try to pass as something else- a branch, bigger animal with teeth and similar. Their camouflage is excellent, and you have to put in an effort to distinguish a caterpillar.

So, somewhat unjustly, beautiful butterflies get all the attention, while the caterpillars are heroes behind the curtain. We have decided to make amends and show before and after pictures of famous butterflies. Take a look.

1. Acharia Stimulea Before

1. Acharia Stimulea BeforeImgur

Acharia Stimulea After

Acharia Stimulea AfterImgur

2. Acraga Coa Before

2. Acraga Coa BeforeImgur

Acraga Coa After

Acraga Coa AfterImgur

3. Attacus Atlas Before

3. Attacus Atlas Before

Attacus Atlas After

Attacus Atlas AfterImgur

4. Black Swallowtail Before

4. Black Swallowtail BeforeImgur

Black Swallowtail After

Black Swallowtail AfterImgur

5. Blue Morpho Before

5. Blue Morpho BeforeImgur

Blue Morpho After

Blue Morpho AfterImgur

6. Brahmin Moth Before

6. Brahmin Moth BeforeImgur

6. Brahmin Moth After

6. Brahmin Moth AfterImgur

7. Cecropia Before

7. Cecropia BeforeImgur

Cecropia After

Cecropia AfterImgur

8. Cerura Vinula Before

8. Cerura Vinula BeforeImgur

Cecura Vinula After

Cecura Vinula After

9. Flannel Moth Before

9. Flannel Moth Before

Flannel Moth After

Flannel Moth After

10. Glass Winged Butterfly Before

10. Glass Winged Butterfly BeforeImgur

Glass Winged Butterfly After

Glass Winged Butterfly AfterImgur

11. Hubbard’s Small Silkmoth Before

11. Hubbard’s Small Silkmoth BeforeImgur

Hubbard’s Small Silkmoth After

Hubbard’s Small Silkmoth AfterImgur

12.Lo Moth Before

12.Lo Moth BeforeImgur

Lo Moth After

Lo Moth AfterImgur

13. Lsa Textula Before

13. Lsa Textula BeforeImgur

Lsa Textula After

Lsa Textula After

14. Isochaetes Beutenmuelleri Before

14. Isochaetes Beutenmuelleri BeforeImgur

Isochaetes Beutenmuelleri After

Isochaetes Beutenmuelleri AfterImgur

15. Phobetron Pithecium Before

15. Phobetron Pithecium BeforeImgur

Phobetron Pithecium After

Phobetron Pithecium AfterImgur

16. Pipevine Swallowtail Before

16. Pipevine Swallowtail BeforeImgur

Pipevine Swallowtail After

Pipevine Swallowtail AfterImgur

17. Polyura Sempronius Before

17. Polyura Sempronius BeforeImgur Imgur

18. Spicebush Swallowtail Before

18. Spicebush Swallowtail BeforeImgur

Spicebush Swallowtail After

Spicebush Swallowtail AfterImgur

19. Spotted Apatelodes Before

19. Spotted Apatelodes BeforeImgur

Spotted Apatelodes After

Spotted Apatelodes AfterImgur

So, what do you think? Are caterpillars ugly or a marvelous feat of nature’s engineering?
