40 Before And After Adoption Photos Of Dogs Who Have Had Their Lives Changed Forever

"This is a place to share the amazing difference a loving family can make on an abandoned or mistreated animal."

  • Published in Animals
40 Before And After Adoption Photos Of Dogs Who Have Had Their Lives Changed Forever

Every year, there are approximately 6.5 million animals surrendered to shelters across the United States. Many of them having lived lives without love, affection, and sometimes even the most basic of life's necessities.

Often, these animals arrive at the shelter suffering from severe anxiety and trauma. So, it's no surprise that adopting one of these sweet souls can be life-changing for them (and us).

Subreddit, r/BeforeNAfterAdoption, is a place for people to share and pay tribute to life-changing animal adoption stories. "This is a place to share the amazing difference a loving family can make on an abandoned or mistreated animal," says the group's description.

Scroll down to take a look through some incredible before and after adoption stories. I'm not crying; you're crying!

1. "Maya's one year after adoption. From severely underweight to one happy pupperoni!"

1. FloppyWallaby

2. "I posted Luna's Glow-Up here a few years ago, but today we are celebrating her six-year gotcha day anniversary, and I just love her so much and want to share her again."

2. mugglequeen

3. "How it started vs. how it's going."

3. mmsharpshooter3

4. "My local shelter posted a post-adoption update of the pup. Check out that Glow Up!"

4. animallover42069

5. "This is Hana. We rescued her from a shelter two and a half years ago."

"On the left is how the shelter's volunteers hound her, wandering in the woods. On the right is how she looks now."

5. reddit.com

6. "First photo is one year ago when we got him from the shelter - insecure and nervous."

"Many hikes and plays later, he's the king of our home. Dude's fist adoptiversary!"

6. Sibel_Rac

7. "Piggie in the shelter and Piggie on his couch after adoption."

7. pupdrea

8. "Our sweet Toby was found in a ditch and couldn't use his back legs. Now he's king of the road on two wheels."

8. wacha23

9. "Brought Chino home as a foster to get through leg amputation and he ended up never leaving."

"Happy one year since you got your leg chopped off and found your forever family!"

9. kellyfacee

10. "Olly was rescued by a group in South Korea that rescues dogs held by restaurants (to be eaten) and from other bad situations."

"He was unlikely to be adopted there because of his bald spot, and he's a dark, mixed breed. They sent him to a rescue in our city - adopted him over two years ago."

10. reddit.com

11. "Millie, when she was rescued in Mississippi and now. The best doggo."

11. incub8r

12. "The day we met and the present day 11 years later."

12. minerva0309

13. "We took home this sick pup that had cirrhosis of the liver and wasn't expected to live more than three months."

"Today marks one year since we brought him home, and now he's healthier than ever."

13. randomgurl1234

14. "Found in a plastic bag and now. She found a way to our home and heart."

14. opalthekitty

15. "Joker dog was a bait dog for I don't know how long."

"It amazes me from the moment I met him; all he needed was love to heal."

15. forestfae333

16. "Adoption update! When we brought her home, one day later and one week later."

16. Pixiedursty

17. "Went from crouching in fear from anyone raising their voice to shamelessly begging for treats in less than a year."

17. 009774425

18. "The evolution of our foster pup's ears. From day one with us, after being found as a stray, to now."

18. MyPalJosie

19. "I was told y'all would love this survivor's big beautiful smile!"

"In order to really appreciate it, you need to see what he looked like the day he was rescued. Best smile ever!"

19. reddit.com

20. "My first foster failure, Lala."

"First pic is how she was found chained under a back yard table for six months; her owners wanted to euthanize her because of her mange. Next pic is her at the rescue, and finally, six years later, of a life filled with love."

20. samituret

21. "Found my girl on my way to work one day on a rural dirt road in the middle of nowhere."

"It's obvious someone has hit her in the past, so I think she was abandoned there. She is now our sweet Nipsy and lives with us on our farm."

21. Spirited_Charge6191

22. "She's the sweetest creature I've ever met."

"I don't always know what to say about her transformation other than, 'look!' The first picture is a month before the second, the last is her two-year gotcha-versary.

22. justwantedquiet

23. "Magnum was rescued by a local shelter where I live. Thank you to all of you who work tirelessly to save these angels' lives."

23. Ogamiya

24. "Three months later."

24. HamsterCoordinator

25. "2017-2020. Help them flourish and enjoy the view when they bloom. It will always be worth it."

25. dogrescueteam

26. "Meet Bebe. Rescued after being thrown out of a moving car and five years later is my music buddy."

26. _adrinthesky_

27. "I adopted this baby from the Dominican Republic one month ago."

"My mom didn't believe me that it was the same dog. I named him Remi, and he suffered from mange and malnutrition, not anymore!"

27. Knottygirl420

28. "My girlfriend and I adopted Buck in August of 2019."

"He's changed our lives more than we did his and has been the best choice we've made. Love this guy to death!"

28. swn96

29. "He was scared of crates, brooms, gloves, and walking anywhere new or loud."

"Now he's a happy adventure dog who loves every person and animal he meets."

29. tiny_titanic

30. "My little old man, Buck."

"Started fostering December 12, adopted Christmas eve! One look into his eyes melted my heart. Adopting him was by far the best part of my 2020."

30. aleksiann

31. "Our rescue dog, Holly! The day we got her vs. eight years later."

31. not_very_hopeful

32. "My sweet girl when she won me in Nov '19 vs. Apr '20."

32. nothinbutsomethinnew

33. "Ivy Grimm went from a sickly street dog to a spoiled and healthy nine-month-old."

33. thecrowfly

34. "Mighty Marmalade at intake vs. almost a year in her furever home."

34. papalaponape

35. "Happy girl Gingko with us for nine months!"

35. deoxyribonucleo3p

36. "Oliver was underweight, had mange, a distended belly, and we were told he might fail to thrive. He's eight months old today and hasn't stopped growing!"

36. reddit.com

37. "Mr. Rogers."

"Blind, emaciated, famished, and so weak he couldn't walk. His literal bones were jutting out through his skin."

"Like white bone. I brought him home from the shelter for the night but decided he needed to go stat at the veterinarian after I saw his condition."

37. gkstacey

38. "My foster dog the day we rescued her from an animal cruelty case and three weeks later."

38. caitiesfosterfam

39. "From dumped on the road to home sweet home! This is Birch Baby!"

39. bl00j

40. "We got her at 2.5 as a foster when she was used as a bait dog, eating zip ties, and had a crushed hip joint."

"Now she has had one best friend (who passed last year) and now is the best friend of our newest rescue, Lindsie!"

40. ChronicallyBrookelyn