35 Bits Of Bad Pregnancy Advice Expecting Women Received Without Asking
"The umbilical cord acted as a sort of snorkel from the baby to the mothers navel."

Pregnant women typically receive a lot of love and support from family as well as their friends during their pregnancy. It definitely takes a village to raise a child and a support system is invaluable in times like this.
The stress of preparing for when the baby finally comes and the actual changes your body will go through are difficult enough without having to go through them alone. The input of women who have given birth and raised kids is important as well.
Their advice could give you an insight that could make you more comfortable. Coupled with the medical instructions given to you by your doctors and you might just have an easier go of things.
A positive environment and a support system like these make pregnancy less daunting. Unfortunately, pregnant women also are the recipient of unwanted attention from complete strangers and sometimes, family members.
Expecting women are approached by total strangers asking if they can rub their bellies. They are even subjected to unwanted conversations.
For some reason, others feel it's okay to approach a pregnant lady they don't know and give her unsolicited advice. The poor expecting mom has no choice but to stand and smile politely until the stranger walks away.
As if Facebook mom groups are not enough resources for bad and unwanted pregnancy advice, pregnant women have to suffer through it in real life too. Here are some of the worst pregnancy advice they've heard:

1. If you weren't pregnant and you drink a hot beverage, would you cook your insides?

2. A baby that is shaping up to be a beach lover

3. Didn't know you were supposed to be dehydrated for 9 months

4. Why exactly would sitting on stairs cause a miscarriage?

5. No, just no.

6. That is some awful advise for both the mom and the baby

7. How would this even be biologically possible?

8. What kind of person says this?

9. This would get you drunk and upset your stomach but it won't induce labor

10. Everyone knows a cocktail is good for the baby, it's those hard liquor you have to stay away from. Also, margarita baby sounds like an awesomely annoying nickname!

11. That is extra dangerous coming from a healthcare worker

12. Tut, tut, tut... don't ask the doctor, consult the all-knowing book she just gave you

13. This outdated thinking has got to stop

14. You cannot use electronic gadgets and devices while you're pregnant because you will damage your baby's brain

15. Is your mother-in-law a werewolf?

16. A gel ice pack would work better and you won't be left with wilted cabbage leaves after

17. Cats love milk, your baby will drink a lot of milk therefore, the cat will suffocate your baby because he smells like milk. That check out.

18. Gran was coming from a place of concern but this is not true at all

19. What exactly was this pregnant lady supposed to do? This advice came from a complete stranger no less.

20. Excuse me, what?

21. You can get the aloe vera juice after you avail the premium membership and reach the lizard level

22. Eat healthily but not recklessly

23. Here we go with the vaccines will give your baby autism

24. How exactly would peanut butter give a baby cancer?

25. Everybody knows the hair tickles the heart, causing heartburn

26. This would make for an interesting gender reveal party

27. If you feel pain during childbirth it means you didn't get enough Jesus

28. It would depend on the concentration of the citrus obviously

29. Your husband's dirty underwear is the remedy for the unexplained rash

30. Genetics is so cool!

31. Which husband from the past started this?

32. It would be embarrassing if you unexpectedly knead on the pressure point that makes you fart

33. How would this happen exactly?

34. The advice is absolute nonsense but great-grandma did good to keep her daughter from panicking by giving her something to do

35. The bubbles from carbonated drinks will make your unborn child deaf once they pop. Everybody knows this.

Let's get some things straight: the baby won't drown if you take a bath, you can absolutely drink water, and sitting on stairs won't cause you to miscarry. Also, stop approaching pregnant people you don't know and doling out bad advice they never asked.
They are already going through enough without having to worry about your unfounded superstitions. Feel free to walk away from strangers asking to pet your belly, ladies, or tell them you have a bad case of gas due to indigestion.
