Girl Gets Herself In A Bad Situation. And The Way She Got Out Is Making Really Disappointed Her Brother

When we find ourselves in stressful situations, the way we react can make or break what the result is.

Girl Gets Herself In A Bad Situation. And The Way She Got Out Is Making Really Disappointed Her Brother

We're back here again with yet another AITA post from Reddit where someone has come to the internet for some unbiased advice and opinions on a situation that happened in their life. These threads are usually posted by people looking to see if they are wrong or right in a situation or for how they reacted/acted in a certain circumstance.

We enjoy sharing these posts because they typically get a lot of engagement, and it's always fun to see what people have to say about other people's situations and how they react to it. We like to share the details on the full post and share some of the best comments that people posted as well.

So, with that being said, today we're looking into a post that was submitted by a girl who got into a spat with her brother. Essentially she got herself into a bit of trouble, but the way that she got herself out of trouble most definitely wasn't the smartest decision on her part, which disappointed her brother.

If you're interested in hearing more about what happened, what her brother said, and what everyone in the comments said, then you'll want to stay tuned as we dive into the full story and some awesome comments left on it.

OP starts off with telling the story of what happened with her car and how she ran out of gas.

OP starts off with telling the story of what happened with her car and how she ran out of gas.Iwilnotlearn

She goes on to explain that she left her phone at home and she wasn't really reacting great to the situation of being stuck.

She goes on to explain that she left her phone at home and she wasn't really reacting great to the situation of being stuck.Iwilnotlearn

Then she mentions the construction truck that pulled up next to her and offered to help, but this is where many people, including her brother, think she made a bad decision.

Then she mentions the construction truck that pulled up next to her and offered to help, but this is where many people, including her brother, think she made a bad decision.Iwilnotlearn

She says that her brother doesn't approve of what she did and how she reacted in the situation.

She says that her brother doesn't approve of what she did and how she reacted in the situation.Iwilnotlearn

The first comment says that OP is TA for being quite irresponsible as a car owner and also for forgetting her phone.

The first comment says that OP is TA for being quite irresponsible as a car owner and also for forgetting her phone.MommyLovesPot8toes

This commenter also agrees and says that OP is TA, while judging OP for letting her gas get so dangerously low.

This commenter also agrees and says that OP is TA, while judging OP for letting her gas get so dangerously low.PokerQuitlter

OP was irresponsible and this is why a lot of commenters were very upset at her and explained how much of an inconvenience that it was for her and everyone else on the road.

OP was irresponsible and this is why a lot of commenters were very upset at her and explained how much of an inconvenience that it was for her and everyone else on the road.Reddit

They continued on saying that she didn't deal with the situation and instead was crying until the construction men pulled up.

They continued on saying that she didn't deal with the situation and instead was crying until the construction men pulled up.Reddit

This person took a jab at OP's username and is astonished at how she ran out of gas.

This person took a jab at OP's username and  is astonished at how she ran out of gas.whatsmypassword73

This could be a huge learning lesson for OP and we hope that she makes better decisions if something like that happens again.

This could be a huge learning lesson for OP and we hope that she makes better decisions if something like that happens again.isontcare8587

Forgetfulness like this definitely can be dangerous and she needs to be more aware.

Forgetfulness like this definitely can be dangerous and she needs to be more aware.lemonhead2345

I don't think OP understands how severs it could have been and she probably either did forget, or just didn't want to get gas.

I don't think OP understands how severs it could have been and she probably either did forget, or just didn't want to get gas.Ok_Job_9417

Tius comment went right for OP and told her that she was TA and reacted horribly.

Tius comment went right for OP and told her that she was TA and reacted horribly.Reddit

Well. this was an interesting story. These comments had a lot to say, but it turned out that most of them agreed that she was TA or somehow in the wrong for getting herself into the situation that she did.

Ultimately she needs to be more responsible and make better decisions when it comes to taking help from strangers.
